Thursday, April 7, 2016

PERSONAL SPECIAL..............How to pilot through turbulent weather

How to pilot through turbulent weather

Every business leader is likely to encounter failure in life. The manner in which they respond to it separates the men from the boys

In business, as in life, we are often taken aback by unexpected events. Sometimes these events are beneficial and help us achieve our goals. However, more often than not, we face challenges that have the potential to permanently derail us from making our dreams come true.
A setback can take any form and come at any time. But it's how you tackle it that will set you apart from the others.
Don't react immediately
No matter what the setback, there is one thing that you can control at all times: your reaction. If you are having a bad day at the of fice, there is no need to be a sourpuss and make life mis erable for everyone around you. Carry on as if all were well.
Failure is never permanent
For most people, especially ambitious and competitive ones, setbacks are not always easy to swallow. By our very nature, we do not like to fail. The first time you rode a bike, you probably fell off after five seconds. Did you just quit and go back to sucking your thumb? Of course not. You got back on that thing and tried until you could ride it around the block.
Do you still handle failure in the same gung-ho manner today? Suppose you were up for a promotion and did not get it. Would you have a big chip on your shoulder and start slacking off on the job? If so, that may be why the boss picked the other guy. The first thing you need to keep in mind if you fail at something is that failure is nothing more than a temporary setback. If you see failure in this light, you will come to realise that it is not so bad.
It's a new day tomorrow
Here's another great way to Here's another great way to quickly get back on track. Always keep in mind that tomorrow is a new day. If we have a rough day and fail at something, it isn't easy to keep our game face on and keep working. However, what separates the successful from everyone else is that they take their medicine, absorb the pain for that one day, and then come back re-ener gised the next day.
Don't dwell on the past
Successful people are able to rise above the fray because they focus on the task at hand and on how they can improve themselves. They learn from their past mistakes. What's done is done and cannot be changed. Successful people know this and don't waste time or energy beating a dead horse.
Clear mind, clean execution
If you miss the winning shot one day, you must come to terms with it quickly and move on If you do this, you'll have a clear mind and will perform better. If you want to hit a home run, you must go to bat with the same mindset you had the last .time you hit a home run


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