Feeling Unmotivated During the Day?
Best Morning Routine for Success
The alarm sounds and you begrudgingly turn
around in your bed, hitting the alarm clock with everything you got just to
shut it down.
Another morning, another drag. You take
yourself out of the bed and immediately curse the day starting this early, no
matter how much time it actually is.
The rest of your day follows your morning and
you feel out of energy, out of motivation and out of luck. You simply start to
hate your days.
But what if I told you that your day doesn’t
have to start like this? Your mornings can start out amazing and you can create
energy where there was only fatigue before.
You can start and end your day in a much
better way, feeling energized and actually enjoying it while getting things
done. It all depends on your morning routine and here is how to create the best
morning routine:
Sleep cycles
Sleep cycles
are the first thing I always focus on when
someone needs help with theirs. Because you can do everything right when you
wake up, but if your sleep itself was horrible and bad, there is almost nothing
which can help you out the next day.
We are not a sum of parts, we are a holistic
being where neglecting or damaging one part of the system will in turn damage
the other part. And sleep is just a crucial part of the system, especially when
it comes to motivating yourself and feeling energetic throughout the day.
Sleep cycles last for 1.5 hours and they mark
the beginning and the ending of our sleep. We usually have a couple of them
through the night and the best way to feel energized in the morning is to wake
up when a sleep cycle ends.
So try to plan out 7.5 or even 9
hours a sleep every single night.
And here is an example of the energy you get
from waking up right when a sleep cycle ends:
Throughout the years, you must have had
periods in your life where you fell asleep and woke up after an hour and a
half, feeling like you just drank 5 cans of Red Bull and feel so energetic.
On the other hand, there are times when you
sleep for 13 hours straight and still waking up so tired, feeling like you
never ever slept.
This is what sleep cycles do to us and the
first thing is hitting them right.
You will probably miss out on sleep cycles at
the beginning of creating a perfect
morning routine and that is completely fine.
What you need to do to start hitting them is
to go to bed every single night at the same time. Your body will get used to
the time and will naturally start waking you up after enough sleep cycles have
passed (some need more cycles, some less).
So it will happen to you that you start
waking up before the alarm even goes off, feeling refreshed and actually
wanting to get up from your bed, feeling already energized.
But sleep cycles aren’t the only thing that
constitutes the best morning routine for success.
“Me” time before “You” time in the
What is the first thing you do when you wake
up in the morning?
If you are like most people, you take your
phone and start scrolling through your emails or messages that you received
from people while you were asleep.
And that immediately saps your creative
energy because as soon as you take your phone and start looking at emails and
messages, you are putting your mind in a reactive mode for other people’s
Think about it — 99% of the things that you
receive via email are other people’s agendas. It’s the tasks they want you to
do for them, problems they need you to solve and obligations which make their
lives easier and yours harder.
There is nothing inherently wrong with that
but you need to right time slot for “You” activities and the right time slot
for “Me” activities. “Me” activities are the ones which use your creativity to
create things that you actually want to create.
So if you have a passion project which you
said you will start working on years ago, now is the right time to put that
project’s dedicated working time the first thing in the morning.
As soon as you wake up, dedicate 30
minutes to just working on your passion project.
Why the first thing in the morning you ask?
Because as soon as you exit REM phase and wake up, your mind is still working
in the states of high creativity an low vibrations called the Delta state. This
state is deeply connected with your unconscious mind which helps with creative
tasks because you are still connected with the base of your creativity.
But the more time it passes in the day, the
less we are able to connect to our Delta state. So to use the best of this
state, you need to do your creative work as soon as you wake up.
I thought this was ridiculous. I was simply
not a morning person and I hated writing in the morning. But as soon as I tried
it, I noticed that my writing simply flows and that the best work I do, I do in
the morning. So I continued reaping the benefits of that.
Dedicate the time in the morning for yourself
first and afterward, you can start doing other people’s tasks. I have a rule
that when I wake up, I don’t touch my phone and I don’t turn on WiFi until I
did my morning writings.
Most of the time, it takes me around 40
minutes to write down everything and then I am allowed to check my email and
see what else I need to do.
This creates an amazing feeling of
productivity and pride that you did something meaningful for that day and it
doesn’t fall off through the day. You feel that sense of achievement and carry
it around yourself the entire day.
Other will people will start noticing this
because your eyes will have a deeper gaze in them, you will be more focused and
have this sense of gratitude for the day. As soon as you start doing it, you
will exactly know what I am talking about.
But we are still not done. There is one more
thing that you need to implement to start having amazing mornings and even
better days.
And that concerns the fuel for your body and
mind – the food you eat and the information you consume.
The fuel for the body and mind
So we covered the sleep, the creative work
and all that is left for our perfect morning routine is the fuel we use for
everyday activities.
This fuel that we take is divided into
categories – fuel for the body and fuel for the mind. They are both connected
and one influences another and vice-versa because they are the like the two
sides of the same coins.
We can’t only focus on one and ignore the
other one because it will have no effect whatsoever. As the Romans would say
“Mens sana in corpore sano” which means “A healthy mind in a healthy body” so
let’s start with that:
for the body
One of the most discussed topics today is
diet – the nutrients we take in which helps us function for the day. There is
so much contradictory advice out there, different diets, ways of living, ways
of lifting or ways of blending.
Some have a combination of different
nutrients like carbohydrates, fats and proteins, some completely cut out carbs
like Atkins, some tell you to remove only fat from the diet while others tell
you to eat only 8 hours a day and spend the rest of the time ignoring food
(intermittent fasting).
Some diets function as vegetarian, some as
vegan and some are only eating meat, while some only count calories, completely
ignoring everything else.
If all of this serves as a confusing factor,
then welcome to the club.
So instead of me telling you what to eat
here, which “school” to follow and which guru to listen, I will simply tell you
what not to eat.
Most of the dietary people are wrong in many
different things but also right in many others. Where the consensus happens is
when it comes to the things that shouldn’t be in the diet.
Refined sugar is the number one culprit for
killing your creativity and energy throughout
the day. If you just remove this from your diet, you will have twice as more
energy as you do right now.
Refined sugar is not only bad for your health
but deeply affects your energy levels. You can find refined sugar in fizzy
drinks and sweets which you should cut out from your diet.
The next thing is fast food –
our favorite cheat meal. If you enjoy hamburgers and pizzas (I know, I know, I
kill all the fun), it’s time to cut it out from your diet. Especially from the
fast food joints whose only benefit of the food is that it tastes good –
everything else in that meal is designed to kill you and to kill you fast.
And the last and the hardest thing is
to cut out “3 white deaths” – sugar, salt and flour from your diet. These
three in combination cause the biggest amount of harm to your body and if you
can, you should try to minimize their intake in your body.
This is half the equation. The other one is
the mind.
for the mind
The news are fighting to keep your attention
on them and we have an attention span of 6 seconds right now, which is 2
seconds less than that of a goldfish.
To get your attention, the media needs to
find extremes and put it out there so that you will notice that. Because there
is no drama in normal, everyday activities. So they only report the news from
the two ends of the bell curve – the extreme positives and extreme negatives
and most of it falls in the extreme negatives.
With that, you get a negative picture of the
world we live in today even though by all parameters, the world is getting
better than ever before.
As a saying would go “The world is not
getting worse. The information is getting better.”
I’m not going to spend more time talking
about the negative sides of the news. Instead, I will urge you to read more-
but not yellow pages.
Read books which stand the test of time, read
in-depth articles which have been written by a serious journalist,
not some hacks spending six minutes on the article and then crafting a
compelling click-bait title to lure you in.
You will notice how your perception of the
world changes and how you seem to view the world differently. It’s no longer
that grim place, it’s a place of endless opportunity and infinite options.
All of this will make you more energetic and
cheerful because you will start noticing opportunities where other people see
You become what you consume so choose really
carefully what you will put in your mind because you will create your output in
life from those inputs.
Final thoughts
I could have written a huge list of 30 things
which would create the best morning routine. Instead of that, I created a list
of only 3 things you need to focus on and the rest will follow.
A list of 30 things is non-applicable, but a
list of 3 is.
When you follow the Pareto principle, you
will notice that 80% of your results will only come from 20% of your actions.
These 3 above are your “20%” – use them.
Bruno Boksic
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