Saturday, October 27, 2018



1. Prioritize Education Over Entertainment.

Choosing to learn instead of being entertained is a trademark characteristic of successful people. Some of the greatest, wealthiest, and most successful individuals throughout history have also been the most voracious readers. Marcus Aurelius, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffet invested immensely in themselves through personal education. Most people choose entertainment over education. Entertainment is fun, easy, and it distracts you from thedifficulties you face every day. If you choose to read books, attend conferences, and learn humbly from mentors, you’ll set yourself up for true, lasting success in all the important areas— relationships, finance, health, passion, and spirituality.

2.  The Obstacle is the Way.

All too often, people complain and gripe in the face of obstacles. “Why me!” they curse as they throw their hands in the air. Instead, learn to be grateful for these opportunities to improve and be a more patient, clever, and resourceful individual. Realize that the obstacle is the way. Difficulties and problems are merely opportunities for us to grow. The obstacle is the direction you need to go. By going through difficult, problematic circumstances, we force ourselves to switch from being problem-oriented to solutions-oriented. You’ll need this mindset dearly if you want to have any hope of living an extraordinary life. What are your biggest problems facing you now? A bad boss, a recurring health problem, addictive and selfdestructive tendencies? Perfect. Use these as fuel to become better. Most people never even try to tackle these problems, and remain in mediocrity.

3.  Give Up “Normal” Routines.

Most people who live normal lives might be surprised to hear they have the same problems as everyone else. Bills are too high. Work is boring. Debt seems like it will always be there. You just can’t manage to lose those 10lbs. These and a million other problems define the majority because most people follow “normal” routines without question. They do, eat, drink, date, work at, apply for, practice, watch, and settle for what everyone else does. If you want to become extraordinary, you need to give up these “normal” practices. They’re not working for anybody else. Don’t go with the crowd.      108-year old investor Irving Kahn once said, “I would recommend that private investors tune out the prevailing views they hear on the radio, television and the internet. They are not helpful.” Kahn explained. “You must have the discipline and temperament to resist your impulses.” The same principle applies to the rest of our lives. If you do what everyone else is doing, you’ll end up where everyone else is going.

4. Consistency Beats Intensity.

“Long-term consistency beats short-term intensity.” - Bruce Lee Often, when people want to make a change, it happens in sudden, massive efforts. “That’s it—no more!” they shout triumphantly to themselves. They buy a 12-month gym membership, purchase some expensive software, or arrive at a coffee shop intent on spending the next 12 hours applying to 100 jobs. This wave of motivation can be useful, but most people rely on it entirely to achieve their goals. This doesn’t work. Instead, settle in for the long haul with powerful but sustainable commitments. Nobody loses 50lbs in a month. Nobody writes a bestselling novel by next week. These thing take months and years. So must you.

5 . Everyone’s First Draft Sucks.

Everything is hard before it’s easy. Don’t worry if you fail and mess up a ton at the beginning. That’s how it works. Everyone’s first try almost always isn’t that good. This is where most people quit. They want to “be a natural” and suddenly realize they’re a genius like in Good Will Hunting. They want immediate and glowing results. But when this doesn’t happen (it rarely does), they quit A key to not only starting but sustaining the behaviors you’ll need to live an extraordinary life lies in knowing it will be hard at first. That’s OK.

6. You Can Become Anything

If You’re Willing to Pay the Price. In the words of author Benjamin Hardy: “You can learn, have, or be anything if you are willing to pay the price. You can be a millionaire in not a long period of time. You could be an established expert on any topic. You could be a successful business owner. You could have deep spiritual understanding. You could do an Iron Man triathlon. You could be an empathetic, caring, and loving person. You could have beautiful and meaningful relationships with your romantic partner, business colleagues, mentors, and other people who inspire you. You could be the person you know within yourself you can be. You can live the life you know within yourself you are meant to live. But you have to pay the price.” You can become anything—if you’re willing to pay the price. If you’re willing to give the time, energy, money, focus, and discipline, you can have whatever you want.

7.  You Need to Say “No” More

 Most people say yes to whatever decent opportunity falls into their lap. The problem is, most of these merely “good” opportunities prevent you from taking on the “great” ones. These “great” opportunities are the ones that would have become produced your most powerful, potent legacy. Most people never get to leave a legacy because all their time is tied up in opportunities that aren’t really that great. They might provide some extra income, and they might even be a little interesting. But if you want to become extraordinary, you need to say “no” to almost everything. In the words of Derek Sivers, “If it’s not a ‘Hell Yes!’ it’s a ‘no.’” Warren Buffet also said, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” If it’s not the greatest opportunity there is, then say no. Wait. Bide your time. It’ll come

In Conclusion
 Becoming extraordinary is difficult. Most people will never experience the intensely fulfilling high that comes from leading a life entirely to your liking. If you want to upgrade your life and become an extraordinary version of yourself, I teach you how to here.
-Anthony Moore

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