Friday, April 1, 2016


Need a cheap, quick energy boost? Look to peanuts and bananas

IN INDIA, eating well when you’re on the run has always been easier than you think. Whether you are zipping from one appointment to the next, or attempting to live on a trainee’s salary, you don’t need to eat at Udupi joints or fast food franchises. You don’t even need to hit the street-food stalls for chaat. You just need two foods – groundnuts and bananas. Both are inexpensive, easily available, and delicious.

Groundnuts are the most versatile food in city life. They are healthy, sold widely, not restricted by season, easy to carry and pack, and have a long shelf life.

Nutritional benefits
1. Rich in biotin, they are good for pregnant women since in-utero development of the baby’s nervous system needs biotin.
2. Rich in vitamin B complex, which provides the raw materials required for healthy regeneration of the skin and hair.
3. Loaded with protein, which makes it excellent for vegetarians.
4. High in the minerals required for healthy bones.
5. Excellent for weight loss. Those on a low-carb diet will find it satiating as a snack.
6. Full of natural oils, which are required for women with polycystic ovaries.

Best consumed as:
Peanut butter
Steamed peanut salad with sprouts
Peanut chutney with dim sum
Peanut and fruit shake
Groundnut oil for sautéed vegetables
Roasted as a snack

Packed with nutrition, bananas are easily available wherever you go. They can’t be stored for long, but they don’t need to be stored – you find ripe bananas for sale everywhere.

Nutrition benefits
1. Rich in potassium, which controls high blood pressure and leg cramps.
2. Its micro elements regulate acidity – eat a banana when you have hyperacidity.
3. Good for children with irregular bowel movements.
4. Excellent for adults with haemorrhoids.
5. Helpful for people with liver disorders.

Best consumed as:

Milkshakes In fruit chaat with rock salt Banana bread Banana strawberry drinks Banana and yogurt-based sugar-free desserts


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