Tuesday, December 25, 2018

PRODUCTIVITY SPECIAL.... Procrastination Sucks — So Here’s The “Eat That Frog” Way to Powerful Productivity PART II

Procrastination SucksSo Here’s The “Eat That Frog” Way to Powerful Productivity
Step 2Organize the Biggest Frogs Down to the Tiniest Tadpoles
Recognizing the difference between high-value and low-value activities is the core of Eat That Frog. It’s the core of most productivity advice.
If you learn only one thing from this post, I hope it’s the ability to separate true contribution and value from everything else that doesn’t really matter.
Do More of What’s Working
This advice is so important that I had to put it first, even though it’s not from Eat That Frog. It comes from a great post by Justin Jackson.
If something you’re doing is working, do more of it. Recognize when you have a hit on your hands.
If your side project is growing without much effort, keep working on it. Don’t start on some new brain fart of an idea.
If you’re doing something for your career that is getting recognized, like giving talks at conferences, do more of it.
If people love what you write, write more.
It’s rare to strike gold. So when you do, put more of your time and energy into mining that precious vein, and eliminate everything that doesn’t add to its success.
Organize Your List with the ABCDE Approach
If you haven’t struck gold yet, that’s OK.
There’s work to be done before opportunity can even show up. Your chances increase when you’re working on high impact activities, not low value nonsense.
We can give weight to each activity using the ABCDE method.
Think about how much each item moves you towards your goal. Think about the short-term and long-term consequences of doing or not doing each thing on your list.
A itemsThings you must do, which will have a serious positive or negative consequence if you do or don’t do it. If you have multiple A items, rank them A-1, A-2, etc.
B itemsThings you should do. Tadpoles that have minor consequences. Someone might be inconvenienced if you don’t do these things, but it’s not the end of the world. Never do a B task when an A task is left unfinished.
C itemsThings that are nice to do but don’t have any real consequences when they’re done. These items can be chunked together and done all at once when you finish your A tasks. For example, replying to emails.
D itemsThings to delegate so you can free up more time to do A tasks.
E itemsThings to eliminate. Generally stuff you do out of habit, like checking social media or reading news headlines.
Let’s stick with the “Land your dream job” goal.
Applying to jobs by submitting your resume everywhere might seem like the obvious A activity, but there are bigger impact ways to achieve this goal.
Spend time researching the companies you would love to work for. Get to know everything about them, as if you already work there. Connect with people who do work there. Find the decision makers. Take a recruiter out to lunch. Spend time writing a thoughtful cover letter. Read great books on getting hired like “What Color is Your Parachute?” Spend lots of time thinking about how you can contribute and add value on day one.
Strive to be in the top 10% of candidates and stop doing what 90% of people do. Eliminate the shotgun strategy of blindly uploading your resume to any and every available job opening. Your chances are so much higher with an intentional, laser-focused approach.
Ask Yourself the Great Question

“What one skill, if I developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my career?”
Look into yourself for the answer. Ask your boss this question. Ask your coworkers. Ask your friends and your family. Whatever the answer is, find out and then go to work to bring up your performance in this area.
— Eat That Frog p.45
The best way to figure out how you can add value, especially if you’re employed or doing work for somebody, is to ask. Have a conversation about it.
Step 3Choose Your Top 3 Frogs

If you did the exercises above, you should have a pretty big list of things to do.
Now accept that you’re never going to do it all. There’s never enough time and there never will be. But your goal is not to become the best “checker of lists.”
80% of your results will come from 20%, maybe less, of the items on your list. Out of all your frogs, which one (three at most) is going to have the biggest impact on your life?
Step 4Create Your Daily System
You don’t have control over a company hiring you. You don’t have control over getting a raise. You don’t have control over how the market responds to your startup or side project.
What you do have control over is how many big, ugly frogs you can eat in a day.
You have control of continuous elimination and delegation of things that don’t add value.
You have control of committing to your routine, day after day, to become a person of action.
We’re not trying to be busy for 18 hours a day here. We just want to commit those few precious hours, when our ability to concentrate and focus is highest, on our most important and difficult things.
For most people, it’s in morning before the distractions of the day claw at your time.
Learning to code is huge mountain to climb for beginners, especially if you have a limited amount of time. But when you break it down into actionable steps, you can form a daily system.
Two hours on instructor driven learning, like a Frontend Masters course or freeCodeCamp exercises.
Next hour learning tools and theory, like Github or JavaScript best practices.
Last hour is spent building stuff and writing code. One of the best ways as a beginner is to extend and build on the code examples you do in the courses from the first few hours.
As you get more experienced, the contents of each hour will change, but the system remains the same.
My Frog Eating System
My frog, as far as personal projects go, is writing on Medium and launching codetip.com.
I want to produce practical and useful content that you can implement to help your career. My fear is that I’ll spend days writing something that no one will read or care about.
So I procrastinate. That is, until I toughen up and eat the frog.
My best writing comes in the morning when I open my laptop and start writing. I block all my distracting websites, put my phone in another room, start a Pomodoro timer, then write.
I start writing even when I have nothing to say, or if my thoughts are all over the place. These don’t make for good articles. But I keep taking bites of this big, nasty frog until the good stuff gets teased out.
The most productive code I write at my job happens the same way.
I get into the office early, turn off the distractions, and start working on the hardest, most difficult thing on my list. This thing is important to the company and other stakeholders, like a new feature, performance optimization, or fixing a major defect. I add value by helping the people above me look good.
Most days, I only have the stomach to eat these frogs for a few hours before I get tired.
But in those few, highly-focused hours, I add more value in a day than I would in a week if I were jumping around between a bunch of unimportant things without any intention.
The rest of the day is spent on tadpoles like responding to Slack and emails, fixing minor bugs, and planning work for tomorrow. These activities have some impact and require some effort.
The things I absolutely avoid at work are mindless activities that have zero impact on my company or career, like browsing Hacker News, Reddit, or social media.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t succumb to these entertaining temptations at times. I just do everything in my power to start my day with my most difficult tasks and get as far along on those as I can.
The Biggest, Ugliest Frog in the World is Finishing
Creative people, especially the ones with an entrepreneurial trait, are notorious for starting projects and not finishing them. The next idea comes. It’s newer and shinier, so we chase that.
Our hard drives are a wasteland of ideas, articles, and half finished apps that seemed like good opportunities at the time. How’s that novel coming along, Brian?
When you don’t finish stuff, when you don’t release it out into the public, you’ll never reach the top 10% of anything. You might as well have not started in the first place.
I get that some ideas and projects are not worth finishing. I get that there’s an art of knowing when to quit. I get that there’s a obsession with struggling.
But I think most of the time we quit when we’re a few short feet from gold.
You have to finish because that’s the only way you’re going to get the feedback you need to decide if what you’re doing is adding value.
Don’t start learning Android development because learning JavaScript got too hard. Don’t dive into machine learning because Android development got too hard, and heck, that sounds like the hot new thing, so yeah, I’ll just do that!
Don’t give up on your side project because you couldn’t figure out how to join two database tables.
Don’t start writing the next article before you finish the last one. Don’t start the next project unless you finish the the one you’re working on now.
If this is you, then tomorrow’s frog is finishing. Not eight hours starting something new.
Commit to thirty minutes, or an hour, whatever you need to finish your frog.
Finish it, launch it, and walk away

Bar Franek  https://medium.freecodecamp.org/procrastination-sucks-so-heres-the-eat-that-frog-way-to-powerful-productivity-543b07ecf360

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