Saturday, December 8, 2018

ANALYTICS SPECIAL.... Rebooting analytics leadership: Time to move beyond the math PART II

Rebooting analytics 

leadership: Time to 

move beyond the math


2. Building an enterprise capability
Catalysts also play the leadership role in analytics capability building across the organization, including working closely with the following:
·         The business on talent strategy—from hiring analytics translators to implementing agile software-development processes. One analytics leader we spoke with used internal hackathons that teamed analytics staff with business units to solve a critical problem. This not only helped analytics staff build translator skills to bridge data science and business but also helped raise the business’s analytics IQ and gain a new cadre of “believers.”
·         IT on data and technology strategy, including data governance and analytics methods and tools.
·         Risk and compliance (including the chief risk officer) as well as leaders across the organization on risk-mitigation strategies.
3. Integrating advanced analytics into the workflow
Catalysts lead and advise on how to integrate advanced analytics insights into workflows and decision making. They help business leaders understand that an analytics-driven organization requires a different approach to managing and how teams work. They know the business and its objectives and can pinpoint opportunities to embed more sophisticated analytics.
For example, the insurance analytics leader we spoke with drew from design-thinking methods to help his business identify how and where new data sources, such as genomic data, might influence traditional underwriting workflows.
Another analytics leader worked closely with his counterparts to educate and prepare the organization to overcome the human biases that could sabotage the move from traditional manual processes to AI-augmented processes.
4. Acting as a change agent
At their core, Catalysts are change agents—able to navigate organizational barriers to analytics adoption. Here, communication and relationship building on both individual and organizational levels are necessary. Leaders we spoke with used town halls, one-on-ones, and monthly and quarterly update meetings with key stakeholders to build support.
One leader we spoke with used a tiered approach—first building support with the top ten influencers, then another 50 key influencers, then 500, and beyond. Change doesn’t occur overnight, and this work can take years. He said, “Ultimately, the goal is to get to the point where every employee has an analytics mind-set.”
5. Advising their boards and CEOs
Catalysts support and advise their boards and CEOs, providing them with a foundational knowledge on the role of AI, orienting members on the company’s journey compared with competitors, and educating them on the governance issues the company will face. They present both the fullness of the opportunity and the difficulty of the journey through one-on-one meetings and other venues. For example, one leader we spoke with identified data scientists and other team members who delivered “outsized contributions” and scheduled informational conversations with the CEO so they could share the work they were doing. “It was a great way for the CEO to gain a deep understanding on some of the key challenges, opportunities, and wins that we’d had and a great way for the data scientists and their managers to receive recognition from the CEO,” he said.
How to become a Catalyst
Any CAO not regularly engaging in these activities is likely not yet a full-bore Catalyst. A sure sign that a CAO might be more on the path to “cataclysmic” rather than “catalystic” is that he or she is still “pushing” business units to embed analytics in meaningful ways rather than experiencing a “pull” from business units to partner strategically to transform the business.
“In the beginning, you have to do what the business units are asking for—like producing a report on customer attrition,” said one analytics leader. “Over time, we saw the nature of the requests began to change. Instead of asking for a report, business leaders asked us what actions we could take to drive change.”
Based on our experience with helping CAOs make the switch to Catalyst, there are three ways to get started.
Take time to take stock
It’s important to take the time to conduct a thorough assessment of where the organization stands in terms of analytics IQ and adoption as well as where you stand as a leader.
To assess the current organizational situation, answer questions such as: How much value have prior analytics initiatives delivered? How much credibility does the function currently have? What expectations exist when it comes to both investment in analytics and business impact? Where are the pockets of resistance and openness? What tone did my predecessor set? How did he or she lead?
Understanding both past and present organizational dynamics will help illuminate existing perceptions that might derail your progress.
At the same time, it’s important to take an honest look at your own leadership skills. All leaders we interviewed highlighted that their ability to influence every level of the organization was critical to their success. “Most of the day-to-day leadership is happening in small-group settings where you’re influencing folks in their thinking,” said one leader.
How you’re perceived will have a strong influence on your organization’s success. Are you balancing expertise with empathy? Do you actively encourage participation and input from others? Do you bring a positive attitude regardless of how things turn out?
With this body of self-knowledge and organizational knowledge, you can better plan your strategy. One CAO we recently worked with realized that while he excelled when it came to the more technical aspects of the job, breaking down silos and getting control of the narrative didn’t come naturally to him. To succeed, he not only hired new talent who could complement his leadership but also enlisted the help of an executive coach for six months to help him manage the difficult conversations he had to have as he worked to forward the analytics agenda. Coaching offered the leader proven approaches so that, regardless of the outcome, participants left the room with greater understanding and respect.
Create a stakeholder map
While determining the state of the union offers an organizational perspective on barriers to change (including yourself), the stakeholder map can help identify key decision makers and gauge their individual appetite for analytics.
This is vital reconnaissance for everything from building your communication plan to prioritizing which analytic initiatives to pursue and when. The financial-services leader we spoke with used his stakeholder map (literally drawn as a pyramid on a piece of paper) as a compass to guide his relationship-building journey with nearly 60 general managers and organizational leaders across his company. He began his efforts focused on 15 leaders he deemed most critical and, over his first weeks and months, scheduled regular meetings to learn their priorities, concerns, and expectations directly. “Everyone comes from a different place, and there’s a lot of difficult conversations that need to happen,” he said. “Making personal time can help.”
Increase your communications, regardless of where you are in the analytics transformation
The one regret we heard from successful analytics leaders was that they spent the bulk of their time at the outset on talent development and getting the technical details right. In hindsight, they told us, they wished they had spent more time on communications and alignment with the business in their early days to pave a faster path to success. The analytics leader of an online retailer found that external brand-building activities, such as externally published articles about the company’s analytics innovation efforts, not only supported talent acquisition but also drove increased internal support. “Inevitably, people would receive the published article from friends and colleagues at another company,” he said. “When someone in operations gets a note about how exciting the work is that the data-science team is doing, you get a lot of credibility.”
Ongoing communications also help build the bridges necessary for change. Being a change agent isn’t easy—as is commonly said, it can be lonely at the top—and many times it puts leaders at odds with others throughout their organizations. One CEO advised his analytics leader that “things may go your way only 50 percent of the time, and the other half we’ll do something that’s not fully aligned with where we want to be because the short-term benefit is greater to us.”
Those who are successful typically find that a collaborative, problem-solving style fostered through ongoing communication is imperative.
Ultimately, we believe the Catalyst will become the dominant persona for CAOs of the next decade. The Catalyst skill set best positions CAOs to not only overcome today’s challenges but also tackle those their organizations could encounter in the future—some as a result of the Catalyst’s own success. For example, with their experience to date in capability building and deep knowledge of analytics outputs, Catalysts are well positioned to help in reskilling efforts for those whose jobs become more automated as AI and other advanced analytics become business staples.
CAOs who embrace the Catalyst persona may also be better prepared to accept wider leadership opportunities. Traditionally, CEOs have been hired primarily based on leadership and industry experience. But as data and analytics become more ingrained within businesses, we expect that the next wave of CEOs will also need strong analytics expertise. With analytics acumen and Catalyst leadership skills, today’s CAOs could well become tomorrow’s CEOs.
By Brian McCarthy, Chris McShea, and Marcus Roth

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