Sunday, December 23, 2018



Herbs and infusions to keep running nose and cough at bay

Winters are great to enjoy food and build immunity. However, for some people it means suffering from cold, cough and respiratory diseases. And if one constantly has a running nose, sinus or sore throat, it can adversely affect both mental and physical health.
To prevent these, have a balanced diet, exercise regularly and keep the initial symptoms of cough and cold under check using some natural remedies. Here are some beneficial herbs for winters...

Ginger: It warms the body and reduces kapha — and vata. Ginger supports healthy circulation and prevents frequent cold and cough. It facilitates the release of expectoration too.
Dosage: Add 1 tsp of crushed ginger in 1 cup hot water. Take 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

Pippali powder: Pippali (Piper longum )isa — common table spice like black pepper. It boosts metabolism, burns toxins, and helps maintain a healthy digestive environment. It is the best tonic for lungs and supports clear and comfortable breathing.
Dosage: Mix ½ tsp of pippali powder with 1 tsp of honey or warm water. 

Turmeric powder: This boosts immunity, reduces — kapha and is excellent for fighting cold and cough. Dosage: Consume ¼ to ½ tsp turmeric powder with warm water twice a day.

Tulsi: It removes kapha from the lungs and upper — respiratory tract and provides clear comfortable breathing. Tulsi boosts the immune system and helps maintain a normal body temperature.
Dosage: To make a tulsi decoction of 100-150ml, boil 10 to 12 tulsi leaves in a glass of water and reduce it to half. Add ginger and honey. Have it twice a day.

Amalaki: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) is a potent — rejuvenator that nourishes the tissues and removes toxins. It has an antibacterial and astringent property, which helps increase immunity and protects the body from various infections.
 Dosage: Take 1 tsp of amalaki powder with lukewarm water twice in a day.

Shikha Sharma

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