A shift of mind
Here are some simple tips on
how you can replace the noise of self-doubt in your head with unshakeable
We have all had those
paralysing moments where our palms are sweating more than a marathon runner and
our heart is hammering at a million times a minute. You've also probably bitten
the bullet and pushed those feelings down, just to get through a presentation
or take on a terrifying new venture, only to have them pop up again next time.
But what if you could tell that nagging voice in your head -the one that says
“you can't do it“ or instills fear in
your heart -to keep quiet. Harvard psychology professor and TED Talk star Amy
Cuddy who extensively studied why certain people are able to take more risks
and have a confident demeanour.
She has a piece of advice
to offer.
She found that every thing
from body lan guage to simple daily thoughts can allow you to get rid of fear
in the moment and replace it with belief in your abilities. Here's how you can
reprogram your brain:
We've all heard the phrase
`fake it till you make it' in passing, and maybe even rolled our eyes to it.
But numerous studies back up the fact that faking it actually improves your
chances of making (or becoming) it. And it's a self-perpetuating cycle -the
more you `pretend' to know what you're doing, the more you actually know what
you're doing, boosting your confidence even further. So if you think you don't
have the skills or knowledge to get it done, go ahead and pretend that you do. What
you eventually know, will completely surprise you.
Focus on mindfulness, not perfection
Cuddy also highly
recommends mindfulness as a way to boost self-confidence. According to the
Harvard Business Review, it's a way to learn to stay present, participate in
regulating your own nervous system, and eventually, develop free and helpful
ways of interacting. Basically, instead of sweating and blindly feeling like
the world's going to collapse, you pay attention to the situation at hand, and
assure yourself that things will be under control soon. Note that you should be
mindful of what you have an influence over, and what you don't, and only focus
on the things you can change.
Pretend you're a superhero
You convince yourself, and
that allows you to convince others. Your body language can make you look more
confident, or in some of our cases, can make you look like you have no idea
what you are doing. What you may not re alise is that standing tall not only
makes you look confident, but it releases a surge of chemicals that make you
feel more confident. On the other h a nd , i f you hu nch over or look down fre
quently, you will come across as insecure or depressed. Pay attention to what
poses your body naturally goes into, then make a conscious effort to open up
and display your confident self.
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