Friday, January 1, 2016

PERSONAL / 2015 SPECIAL....10 Timeless Lessons from 2015

10 Timeless Lessons from 2015
Far away from home and work, I've had ample time to ponder the
year gone by. It's been one full of surprises... I met new people,
saw new places, heard new ideas, discovered new technology...
and the list goes on.

But more importantly, this year was a chance to look inward...
to discover the writer in me and to reach out to all you wonderful
readers. The year has seen many awakenings - to put it mildly
- some of which I'm going to list below.

1.     You will find inspiration if you look for it
Inspiration doesn't just come to you; you have to actively work at
it...and sometimes, even go looking for it. Inspiration can come
through travel, books, lectures, and movies. It can also come simply
by being still and absorbing what comes your way. Being receptive 
to good ideas is the first step to inspiration...following which, of
course, you must implement your idea. 

2.   You can be as productive as you want to be
Passion is not enough to see an idea become reality. You need to
be persistent and persuasive. You must connect with people.
Tireless practice and a great sense of pride in your work are essential.
Hard work will take you to your goal. Fuel passion with purpose, and
you will be sure to succeed

3.   You have to determine your own pace
There are times when work gets done easily...and there are times when
we struggle with even routine jobs. Not every day is a good day. 
An ideal flow state may be difficult to find, but once you do, stay with more, do more, be more. Optimise those times in your life
when you're one with your work. Use that opportunity to
completely immerse yourself in your work and watch yourself scale
greater heights. 

4.   You should take all the help you get
Life can be challenging, and sometimes with very few tools to help you
get by. At such times, look where you need to for help. Don't feel afraid
to seek thought leaders, life coaches, books, or anything else to that can
see you through the challenges you face. Once you open yourself to help,
 you'll be surprised by all the wisdom you get from the world around
you...and now it's only a click away! 

5.    You have to learn every day
The ways of learning are many, but you need to first make learning
a habit. Learning becomes a pleasure when you participate
wholeheartedly in all your experiences. The next step is to apply
your learnings to your life and discover their power. The chief
benefit of knowledge is the impact it has on our lives and
- when we share it freely - the lives of others. 

6.   You can never dream too big
A dream can never be too big... Dreams have unlimited potential
and reach. So when you begin to dream, ask yourself how big you
want your dream to be, how many lives you want it to touch, how
many years you want it to live on after you. When you dream, don't
just dream for yourself, dream for the world, and then, in the words
of Paulo Coelho, 'The universe will conspire to make it happen.'

7.    You have to focus to achieve
To transform a dream into an achievement requires many ingredients
 - one of the key being laser-sharp focus. When you break down your
goal into its many parts and understand all that it takes to achieve it,
the probability of success becomes greater. Add to that dollops of
daily discipline and a helping of humility and you will be the master
of your own game, achieving anything as easily as you want

8.   You are never in it alone
No matter how difficult a person or situation, everything ultimately
works to your advantage. There would be no yin without yang,
darkness without light, day without night. And by this logic, you must
realise that nothing lasts forever and nothing exists in isolation.
For us to truly grow, we must learn to appreciate both sides of any
coin...and to flip it and change the story when we need to. 

9.   You don't need the stress, none of it
In the larger scheme of life, it's all good. Don't sweat the small stuff 
or the big stuff. What's important is to enjoy the moment, to be
present in the here and now, to simply do and not expect the rewards
or returns. Profit or loss is not in our hands. What is in our capacity,
is to do a good job and add value where a customer,
to a young mind, to a close relationship, to a thoughtful soul...

10. You have to stay true to your soul
Finally, do what's good for your soul. Do the small, everyday things
that keep you going. It could be anything from spending time with
your pet dog, cutting down on unnecessary social obligations, giving
more time to your family, or sitting by the ocean and watching the
waves splash against the rocks. Life is about the small moments,
the quiet ones, the meaningful ones...the one's that make
the journey worth it.

By Ritika Bajaj

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