Monday, November 28, 2016

PERSONAL SPECIAL..... Dealing with cold feet

Dealing with cold feet

Fear can hold you back from achieving your best. Here are five ways to conquer it and win

Fear is one emotion that inf lu ences most of our choices and people use it to protect them selves against pain deciding on paths that keep them safe.But sometimes it goes too far and keeps them from pursuing the kind of work that they are meant to do. If you are facing similar is sues, check out the following ways to overcome your fears.
Listen to your phobia
Acknowledge your fears and figure out where they are coming from. Don't avoid it. Is it a meeting you don't want to attend or questions you don't want to answer? It is important to first address the issue.
Meet your fear halfway
Think of your fear as a friend, a buddy who is just trying to look out for your best interest. This friend might not always be right.So, spend some time alone with him and have a talk -a dialogue with yourself. Ask why you don't want to attend the meeting and try to find an easy plan to face the situation at hand.
Walk side by side
Think of it in a positive way -your fear is trying to help you.You need to use your fear as an ally. The best way to do this is to listen and figure out how to find a solution that appeases you.
For example, if you have to do a presentation in front of your whole department and your fear says, “Run like crazy!“ You are certain that you know your stuff, but you are worried about what your co-workers will think of you. Try to reason with your fear and tell him that you just want to try it this one time.
Give in
If the fear seems immense, it doesn't hurt to give in sometimes.Break your activity into a list of doable steps. And if it still doesn't work, take a break. Go with the flow and don't push yourself too far.
Fear as a creativity resource
Your fear is a tool, like every emotion you experience. You can use it to help yourself create, love, and enjoy work in many different ways.
Fear will crush your motivation if you don't act quickly. You have to move to the side, help him up and hold his hand. Tell him that he has to work with you to create a solution. Fear is one of the best .creativity resources that you have. Use it


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