Saturday, February 6, 2016

WOMAN SPECIAL................. 5 things to be thankful to your woman for

5 things to be thankful to your woman for

Even if you are not an observer, it's time to open your eyes and ensure you acknowledge these gestures

You've seen it before: a great couple with seemingly no problems calling it quits without a clear rea son why. That's because it's a mash-up of small things that amounted to them falling slowly out of love. With everything else on your plate, it's easy to fall into a pattern and treat her like some ol' pal, but here is why you should reassess certain things she does for you and thank her for it:

1 The stuff that `magically appears' in your house
There's a reason why people always tell bachelors they need “a woman's touch“. It's because there is a lack of evidence in your apartment that shows you're taking care of yourself.Have you noticed those touches and told her? It might seem like frivolous details, but it's one of her ways of showing she cares about you. Does toothpaste “just show up“? Is there a blanket on the couch when you are hung over? Does it always smell nice? Stuff like that requires time, effort and often money on her part. Let her know you notice these details.

2 She already knows what you are going to say
Sometimes this can be annoying, but notice how she already knows the backstory, the nuances, the history, and the jokes. That means she cares enough to listen and remember.
How many times have you called a buddy to talk and you had to remind him of what you were even talking about? If she finishes your sentence or takes a guess at what you are going to say -acknowledge it. But if it feels like she's doing it way too much, well, you need more stories.

3 Always feeling good about your date to the important events
Do you feel confident when you walk into a room with her by your side? Does she keep up with the group when you all party with your college buddies? Do you know how to look out for each other while working a room? Don't take that for granted. Tell her how you feel when the room lights up as you two arrive.

4 The little things she does to keep looking good
Is she up on the trends and going to yoga to stay in shape and healthy? If you don't notice all the little things she does to stay attractive, someone else will. No compliment can be heard too much.

5 The things she does only because you like them
Was she a football fan when you met her? If not, and she watches games with you now, there's a chance she learned to like it, but there's also a good chance she's only doing it because she wants to be there with you. Think about your interests that have also become “her interests“ and make it a point to let her know how much you like doing them with her. Also, then consider maybe making some of her interests your interests too.


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