The DNA of Success: 4
Attributes We All Need
What do you
need to be successful? Do you need a degree from a top school, some seed money
to kick start your business, a big break, good connections? No one would
dispute that these factors would give you a big boost; however, after 25 years
of research on the topic of performing your best, I’d say your success
ticket has to be punched with confidence, optimism, tenacity, andenthusiasm.
In fact,
hundreds of empirical studies strongly suggest the aforementioned attributes
are the DNA of success. Without these attributes, you will be hard-pressed to
achieve success, let alone leading a thriving life. Consider why.
Confidence is the degree to which you believe and feel your actions will achieve
desirable results. Why would you try if you don’t believe you can influence the
outcome? You wouldn’t. Confidence promotes feelings of control, until you feel
you are in charge of your destiny.
Optimism allows you to start out your day with positive expectations that good
things will happen. Positive expectations motivate you to try harder and thus,
you achieve more success, which in turn makes you more confident. Studies tell
us that optimistic people enjoy better physical and mental health, as well as
experiencing more positive relationships.
Tenacity allows you to stay focused. This is essential if you are going to
achieve long-term goals. It is your tenacity that allows you to persist through
Enthusiasm energizes
you and promotes positive feelings that allow you to approach life with zest
and perform better under pressure.
Taken together,
these attributes help you do your best every day, in all aspects of your life.
Here are some evidence based methods of how you can instill them in yourself.
Walk Like A Champ
Drill Sargents
have been telling Marines to “stand at attention” for over a hundred years. You
probably have fond memories of your mother telling you to “stand up straight.”
Neither needed their recommendations validated by current neuroscience research
attesting to the fact that when you stand up straight and expand your chest,
your brain increases testosterone. This hormone makes you feel confident and
often increases your ability to perform under pressure. Frequently remind yourself
to walk like a champ, especially before you have to perform under
pressure. Studies show that just a few minutes of “confident posturing” will
stimulate feelings of confidence and lead to better perform
Positive Visuals
people have a long history of visualizing themselves experiencing all types of
success, even if the visuals are fantasy (winning a beauty patent, scoring a
Super Bowl touchdown, or being a movie star). Positive visuals help you
internalize feelings of confidence. You will be wise to frequently visualize
yourself experiencing success.
Optimistic Vocabulary
The words you
use reflect your outlook on life. Start to build optimistic phrases into your
daily vocabulary. For example, “It is going to be a wonderful day…it’s a beautiful
day.” This might seem silly, but using an optimistic vocabulary will make you
feel more optimistic.
Belief In A Just World
Individuals who
accept the fact that while we all get bad breaks and the world is basically
just, end up being more optimistic. Since they believe hard work pays off, they
try harder and doing so (more often than not) brings positive results which
fuels their tendency to be positive about their future.
Increase Your “Pathways”
Think of
“pathways” as different avenues that take you to your goal. Create as many as
you can. If one route is blocked, take another. Take some time to brainstorm
different pathways that can help you move toward our goal. The more pathways
you can create, the more hopefulyou will become. The
result is you become tenacious because you believe you will achieve success.
You can give
yourself a burst of enthusiasm simply by laughing out loud. Laughing stimulates
endorphins and creates (in contrast to anxiety) positive physical arousal.
Enthusiasm transforms into energy, making it easier for you to approach your
tasks with a positive attitude, especially in pressure moments.
Use Your Happy Face
It’s hard to
feel down and drained when you have a smile on your face. Get in the habit of
keeping a smile on your face and you’ll feel more and more enthusiasm
throughout your days. You will also find that your smiles are returned – even
by a passing stranger on the street.
Together, these
proven strategies will help blendconfidence,
optimism, tenacity, and enthusiasm into your Coat of Arms. Wearing
it everyday will help you not only become more successful, but also enjoy your
life to its fullest.
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