Monday, May 13, 2013



    ACCORDING to a recent study conducted by a US-based consulting firm, approximately 60 per cent of employees feel they aren’t motivated enough at work. Most people in the survey held their bosses responsible for their lack of passion for the job. We spoke to experts and industry insiders from various fields on the necessary steps to boost employee morale.

“Good behaviour boosts morale”
Inspiration or encouragement in any form is important for the overall growth of an employee. It need not only be in terms of appreciating the work done or providing the employee with various perks and privileges but through the way you behave with your employees and the relationship you manage to build with them.
  Bikramjit Maitra,  independent HR consultant

“Bosses should set an example themselves”
Motivating an employee is achievable through continuous appreciation, logical goal-setting and offering skill upgradation opportunities to him or her from time to time. The boss should set an example himself. For instance, if you want your employee to work 12 hours a day, the employer should himself put in 14 hours a day. It is extremely important for leaders to continue to motivate their employees so that they work hard on a regular basis and add value to the company.
    Reeta Gupta,  founder,The Network

“Self-appreciation is very important”
Often, when employees are not motivated at work, they tend to blame the organisation or the boss. However, one needs to look for motivation within and realise that it is your own drive and passion for work that should motivate you to perform well. Self-appreciation is the highest form of inspiration.
    Varkha Chulani, counsellor and clinical psychologist

“A demotivated employee can lower the entire team’s morale”
It is important to ensure that employees are motivated enough in their job so that you can trust and ensure them with work and create responsible leaders. It increases efficiency at work and also adds value to the company. A demotivated employee can drag the morale of the entire team, which affects the company in the long run.
    Sudheesh Venkatesh, chief people officer, Azim Premji Foundation

“Everyone needs a good mentor to guide them at the workplace”
A person goes through upheavals in their day-to-day life. To help cope better at work, encouragement is very important. It helps an employee strive to do better at his jobs. Everybody needs a mentor or somebody to look up to at their workplace, so that they can be shown the right path. There are many who have the potential to shine but lack focus. In such cases, it is necessary to have someone who is there to inspire and guide you. The management at companies should organise motivational programmes where employees can freely interact and share their problems with their superiors. Outbound team building trips and communication sessions are other ways to motivate people.
    Gautam Garry Guptaa, motivational speaker and communication specialist

“Investing in an employee’s mental well-being pays rich dividends”
When people are stressed at work, it tends to make them less productive. It hampers their confidence and lowers general morale at the workplace. All these factors further add to the dissatisfaction of the employee.
    A company that invests in activities — team building exercises, outdoor programmes and employee engagement activities — that inspire workers, sends a strong message that it cares about their emotional and mental well-being. Such activities keep people creative, charged and driven. The returns on investment in an employee are multi-fold; they cut down attrition, people are happier, and enjoy healthier interpersonal relationships. Their sense of achievement is higher. They function with renewed enthusiasm and spirit.
    Priya Kumar,  corporate trainer and team building expert
— Meghna Mukherjee

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