Saturday, January 19, 2019

TIME MANAGEMENT SPECIAL We Have More Than Enough Time if We Organize What We Want to do with it

We Have More Than Enough Time if We Organize What We Want to do with it

“We have more than enough time to do an enormous amount of good in our lives, if we use the time we have.” -Benjamin Hardy

The most common excuse people will often make is, “I don’t have enough time.”
But the issue isn’t actually about a lack of time, rather, it’s about a lack of understanding and proper organization of time.
We have been taught that it’s okay to justify a lack of progress with classical sayings like, “you can only do so much in a day,” and “time flies.”
But the last time I checked, time doesn’t fly, and everyone lives by the same 24 hours. Why is it then that some people are able to accomplish so much more than others?
Why? Because they live by their priorities and do only that which is most important.
Or as Gary Keller put it in his book, The ONE Thing,
“They go small… “Going small” is ignoring all the things you could do and doing what you should do.”
What is most important to you? In which areas do you want to achieve the most success? Prioritize these areas rather than doing the 1000’s of other things you could do, because being “busy” is not the same as being productive.

In Conclusion
Grant Cardone said that one of the greatest turning points in his life occurred when he “stopped casually waiting for success and instead started to approach it as a duty, obligation, and responsibility.”
The various principals discussed in this article are the things I’ve done to develop this same mindset in myself and I hope they can do the same for you.
Removing excuses from your life is a matter of making your dreams more powerful than those excuses. Making your goals and dreams emotional by making committed decisions and journalling can certainly help.
Time is not a limiting factor. We have more than enough time to accomplish the things we want if we focus on what should be done, rather than what could be done.

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