Saturday, March 18, 2017

MEMORY SPECIAL ....How to train your brain for success

How to train your brain for success

Here are six tricks to lift your cognitive fog and sharpen your memory, helping you to stay ahead

Ever walked up to a colleague and realised you've forgotten what you need? Or ever been introduced to someone new only to forget their names within minutes?
While you may not be alone, having a good memory is an important factor at the workplace. Even though there are planners, alarms and alerts to remind you of important tasks, it is also important to memorise deadlines, present ations, names of colleagues, clients, etc. This will not only keep your brain active and less dependent on external sources, you will also feel empowered and confident.
Asper Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD, founder of Center for Brain Health , “Neg lecti ng your cognitive health and allowing your brain to lose its mental edge with routine [life activities] rather than innovative thinking has unnecessary and deleterious economic, social and personal ramifications.“
Take a look at six science-backed tips to boost memory that could help you become successful:

1 Pick up a pen
This is the most basic and the most efficient way to memorise anything. You will remember more if you write it down than type it out. Scientists say people who write down do better than people who type. Writing by hand harnesses large parts of the brain associated with language and memory. So, switch off the phone or computer and make time to write to keep your brain active.

2 Take a break
Most of us spend the majority of our day at our desks, staring at our computer screens. Breaks, even five-minute-long ones, are one of the best things you can do during your workday. You will recall the information easily.
Taking a break helps in memory consolidation and retention.
Also, make it a point to detach from work and the work space to recharge your internal resources.

3 Break it up
If you chunk up information in parts, you will remember it, just like mobile phone or bank account numbers. Make small groups of information you want to retain.

4 Memory palace
Why not learn a thing or two from Sherlock Holmes? If you practice creating a memory palace and create a room in your mind, you will remember everything. Just create a house in your mind and place things and information in that house.

5 One thing at a time
The ability to juggle work is a standard job requirement. Research shows that the human mind isn't meant to multitask. When you multitask, you cannot concentrate on one activity fully and you are always distracted. Focus on one thing at a time.

6 An emotional connect
Scientists say you are able to recall better when you make an emotional connection. You create stronger memories.

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