How to Beat Procrastination: Stop Waiting for the Right Mood
causes of procrastination are
legion. Some blame perfectionism or fear
of failure,
others an inability to prioritize, another camp says simple
disorganization causes it to miss deadlines, while still others
cite a
failure of will. There's
probably a grain of truth to each of these potential explanations
depending on the individual and situation, but according to a
recent Atlantic article,
we often overlook another common culprit--our mood.
Procrastination Doom Loom," Derek Thompson outlines
new research showing how our poor understanding and regulation of our
emotions is frequently the driver of a tendency to delay tasks.
'But I'm just not in the right mood!'
the last few years, he reports, "scientists have begun to think
that procrastination might have less to do with time than emotion.
Procrastination 'really has nothing to do with time-management,'"
Thompson quotes Joseph Ferrari, a psychology professor at DePaul
University, as saying.
do our moods affect
our ability to get stuff done? Apparently, we often delay tasks
because of the mistaken belief that the mood
to accomplish whatever
it is we need to do is going to magically strike us at some later
time. "Ferrari and others think procrastination happens for two
basic reasons: (1) We delay action because we feel like we're in the
wrong mood to complete a task, and (2) We assume that our mood will
change in the near future."
result is that we say things to ourselves like, "I'm too hectic
on Mondays to really concentrate on thinking about strategy. I'll do
it later in the week." Or "I'm too tired now to write that
marketing email. I'll have a clearer head tomorrow morning." But
when tomorrow morning or later in the week rolls around, we're still
just as uninterested and disorganized as we were earlier. Repeat
Heading mood-based procrastination off at the pass
how do you beat this sort of emotion-based procrastination?
Thompson's in-depth article offers plenty
of research-based suggestions,
but they're not a magic bullet for the problem. External
deadlines--shock of all shocks!--seem to help, as does scheduling
late rather than early reminders, but the simplest and most effective
takeaway here may simply be a bit of self-knowledge.
recognizing your own procrastination
tendencies can
help you see your own mood-based excuses for what they
are--justifications for not getting down to work rather than
legitimate decisions about when it's best to schedule a task. That,
in turn, might help you resist the "procrastination doom loop."
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