Monday, September 10, 2012



We all love a little bit of green in our mundane city lives, but maintaining a garden is way too time-consuming for most of us. Here are some innovative concepts that could make our jobs easier in the future:

The Vertical Grow Pro: Use your Worm Power
For a few leaves and shoots at home, here’s a vertical home garden for you. Put a bunch of food scraps (like banana peels, old bread, apple cores, & hard chunks of milk) into the worm farm, which will produce a liquid fertiliser and help plants grow. The unused liquid drains back into the tank to be recycled through the system again.

The Rugiada Waterer: Irrigation at Home
This is an all-in-one irrigation solution that lets you garden like a pro. Insert the device into the ground and select the vegetable’s typology and the garden’s dimensions. Internal components, including a humidity sensor and photocell for radiation detection, automatically regulate the time and kind of irrigation (atomisation, sprinkle, or droplets).

The Indoor Sun: Sunshine Makes ‘Em Happy
The urban landscape makes it difficult for houseplants to flourish under natural sunlight. But with the Solight, you can trap some solar power and hood it over the plant to pamper it with some ‘natural sunshine’! Stash away the Solight when not in use if you want others to be fooled into thinking that you are managing so well to keep those plants happy.

A Smart Pot of Plant: Plants Can Speak Too
Wouldn’t it be a dream if plants could express what they needed from us? Well, the Pet Plant does just that. The sleek pot measures soil conditions, temperature, humidity, and water and expresses the plant’s condition on an LCD display. It’s also smart enough to know if you’ve overwatered & will systematically drain itself into a vessel.

The BB Little Garden: Need No Green Thumb
These days, very few have the outdoor space to garden and grow their own herbs for cooking. But with this sleek little garden, you can grow fresh herbs at home all year round. Aesthetically appealing and functional, it’s more like a modern appliance and will blend perfectly in any kitchen.

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