Sunday, February 10, 2019

MANAGEMENT SPECIAL ...Communications in mergers: The glue that holds everything together PART II

Communications in mergers: The glue that holds everything together PART II

2. Identify the main milestones and trigger events
The communications workstream springs into action very early in the merger process, and the pace rarely lets up much. An effective communications plan identifies milestones, such as Day 1, and trigger events, including the announcement of leadership appointments. The goal is to spend the majority of time and energy on the material events, while making sure that regular updates continue to flow.
All key decision makers should be aligned on what the communications focus is—and isn’t. This helps to ensure that leaders buy into the vision of the merger and commit themselves to execute it well. Alignment also sets up and clarifies the conversation about who will be doing what, and when.
In a recent merger, the communications team and the integration-management office (IMO) reviewed a checklist of all possible merger milestones and quickly identified the most relevant ones. A substantial focus was placed on organizational announcements, for instance the top-level structure and leadership appointments—the areas that most concerned employees. Syndicating and getting alignment on these issues gave the team much-needed focus and direction and helped it execute the plan successfully.
3. Set up governance and resourcing for the communications team
In addition to resourcing, the communications team and integration leadership should establish a clear governance process and clarify roles and responsibilities. We typically see four roles:
·         The integration steering committee reviews and approves the overall approach to merger communications, as well as messaging to core stakeholders, and serves as the final decision maker on issues that can’t be settled elsewhere.
·         The integration leader reviews the overall communications-activity plan and approves the dissemination of materials.
·         The communications leader manages the communications workstream, working closely with the integration leader to develop, syndicate, and execute the plan. The communications leader also finds the right resources—internal and external—to guide content development.
·         The communications team develops and disseminates content suggested by the communications-activity plan, working closely with functional leaders and external partners.
Effective and timely execution requires well-defined governance—a process for approving and disseminating communications. In a recent transcontinental merger, the two communications teams worked closely to define the process. The communications teams prepared draft content for dissemination at least a week in advance. They committed themselves to share content for review and approval with the communications leaders, the integration leader, the appropriate functional leaders, and, finally, the legal team. The process was set up for speed of execution, defining clear deadlines and ensuring that only the right people—and only a small number of people—were involved in the approval process.
4. Develop core messages and a ‘deal narrative’ to anchor all communications
All communications during the integration period should be anchored in a set of core messages arising from the deal’s rationale, the employee value proposition (EVP), and the associated change story. The rationale is an articulation of the core reasoning for a deal and its drivers of value. The EVP describes why the future is bright and what the deal means for employees. The change story—a clear and compelling picture of what must be done to unlock the deal’s value, and why—signals that the merger departs from “business as usual.” The core messages are personalized further for each group of stakeholders. All communications should reinforce and build from these core messages.
Developing a compelling set of core messages grounded in a deal’s rationale is one of the most important moves for a CEO and the C-suite. The communications team can start the process of creating the core messages by conducting a deep structured interview with the CEO (to articulate the vision and value) or by organizing a workshop with the executive team to create a single aligned story for the organization. No matter how companies generate the first draft, the core messages must be tested and refined across the organization to ensure that they appeal to various stakeholders.
5. Develop the step-by-step plan for each milestone
During a recent merger in which the communications team was highly regarded by C-level executives in both organizations, the team worked closely with the IMO to build a detailed communications plan (the merger’s “who, what, when, why, where, and how”). The team used the same approach and project-management tools that the merger’s other workstreams (such as IT) did. The plan brought together all merger communications, across all stakeholders, and included the key milestones and target events, as well as regular updates to different groups. It also detailed all deliverables, listing the audiences, the owners, the deadlines, the required preparation times, the content-approval processes, and the interdependencies.
Communications teams should use a wide variety of channels to reach their intended audiences and to ensure that messages sink in and get reinforced. Deciding which channels to use for each deliverable is a critical component of building the communications-activity plan. Social media plays an increasingly key role here, especially for engaging employees, customers, and the general public.
6. Establish two-way communications—monitor, gather feedback, and adjust
Creating two-way feedback channels is critical to ensure that messages are received as intended and that gaps are flagged and addressed appropriately. Often, communications efforts fall flat in this area. Either there is no effort to gather feedback, and employees in particular feel that they are being talked at, or nothing is done with the feedback—which may be even worse. A good feedback-collection process uses a number of tools, such as pulse surveys, integration barometers, town halls, focus groups, and website or email feedback. Once all this has been gathered, the communications team and the IMO analyze the feedback and take corrective action.
People we call “fire spotters”—well-respected employees who play the influencer role within organizations—can aid the feedback process. Recruiting these employees up front and using their support to gather feedback is quite helpful. They also serve as a credible way to address the feedback. In a recent merger, a couple of fire spotters quickly identified an impending wave of attrition. Given the heads up, the integration leader and senior leadership could take emergency action: a combination of nonfinancial and financial levers. While the wave wasn’t stopped, the company significantly mitigated the barrier to integration.
Putting a structured merger communications plan in place
In our work with companies, we have found that several best practices are critical to develop a structured merger-communications strategy.
·         Focus on business objectives. Energy should be directed to protect and build business value.
·         Start early and tailor. Messages should address the stakeholders’ evolving needs. If you cannot communicate decisions yet, explain the process.
·         Govern tightly. Executives should be directly engaged through clearly defined roles and processes.
·         Be conscious of culture. If, for example, bottom-up thinking is part of the core culture, top-down messaging may not land as well.
·         Be consistent and compelling. All communication should be of high quality and repeatedly reinforced in multiple channels. Communicate five times more than you think you need to.
·         Humanize the message. Address what people really care about, in a tone that is responsive to the mood and situation, not overly formal and legalistic.
·         Animate your leaders. Actively align leaders, middle managers, and customer-facing staff so that they communicate effectively and consistently. Do not outsource this work to the communications function.
·         Stay up to date. Keep the IMO and the deal team and major workstreams connected, so that information is up to date and that communications are as proactive and effective as possible.
·         Be responsive. Collect and respond to feedback regularly and quickly.
Companies often make the merger-communications plan a low priority because of other pressing needs. Some outsource the work entirely to the HR and communications functions—a missed opportunity for the integration team and executive leadership. A structured focus on and investments in communications, with the support of senior leadership, have been shown to yield great benefits: a motivated employee base and engaged vendors, partners, and other stakeholders, all supporting the newly formed company’s success.
Oliver EngertBecky Kaetzler, Kameron Kordestani, and Anish Koshy

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