Monday, February 12, 2018

INTERVIEW SPECIAL .....How to nail your next job interview

How to nail your next job interview

If you are wondering how to ace a job interview, these tips can help you take your hiring game to the next level

Now that you have wowed your potential employer with your resume and cover letter, it’s time to pull up your socks. Now, they actually want to talk to you — over the phone, via Skype, or in person. You can be rest assured that you are definitely qualified for this job. It’s up to you to seal the deal and ace the dreaded job interview. Some people have a knack of selling themselves to hiring managers. Others don’t. Here are the steps you can take to nail your interview:

Establish the right mind set beforehand
This can be difficult for some people, especially if you’ve got a lot on the line. Try taking some deep breaths. A good trick for maintaining a sense of calm is visualising your success and accepting that rejection is a possibility, but not an inevitability. It’s important not to assume your interviewer is there to be judgmental and mean. The hiring manager is not your opponent — odds are, they’re hoping to feel wowed.

Prepare some good questions
Job interviews are scary. By the end of the ordeal, you’re probably thinking that the last thing you want to do is drag on the experience with more questions. However, asking good questions that demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the job is exactly what you have to do to show your interest and engagement.
Because it’s often impossible for some people to think up informed questions on the spot, write some down beforehand. Rehearse them a bit, if that makes you feel more comfortable.

Maintain good body language
Projecting confidence doesn’t come easily to everyone. Still, it’s a crucial part of selling yourself in an interview. Slouching, fidgeting, and averting your eyes are all behaviours that might make you appear awkward — or, worse, deceptive. It’s definitely hard to control, but if you are prone to these habits, make a special effort to rein them in during your interview.

Do your homework when it comes to money
Money — it’s an awkward subject to begin with, which makes it especially easy to bungle in a job interview. Doing your homework will help to avoid salary-related awkwardness in your conversation with the hiring manager. Know your worth. Know the market.
When wages come up, try to frame it so the interviewer throws out the first number — and remember to remain flexible and honest throughout the discussion.

Know what you want
It can be difficult to adopt this sort of thinking, especially when you’re at the beginning of your career or simply desperate for any job. But it’s an important trick to add to your arsenal. You can rock an interview, but if the gig’s not right for you, you will be back in the job search process soon enough.
So, during your next job interview, come with questions, try to ascertain whether or not the company is a good fit for you, and really listen to your gut.

1 comment:

Deepak Doddamani said...

True. Money is very important subject during interview. Witnessed it. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article on Interview tips