Friday, September 22, 2017

SMARTPHONE SPECIAL .....Clever ways to beat your smartphone addiction

Clever ways to beat your smartphone addiction

Breaking the habit of repeatedly checking your phone can be hard. These tricks and apps will enforce some self-control
The frustrating thing about a phone addiction is that unlike actual substance abuse, the solution is not to quit cold turkey. Instead, we have to find ways to use this technology responsibly, fighting apps overtly designed to steal our time. Here are ten habits that help you control your smartphone use.

1 Stop checking your phone when in line

For most of us, this is exactly what mobile phones are for. But if you want to lean into the boredom that's essential for creativity and reflection, then stop checking your phone just because you are not doing anything for a minute. This might mean keeping your phone in a different pocket, so you can't pull it out quite so unconsciously.

2 Turn off the notifications

Turn off all notifications that don't require immediate action. You can probably leave calls and texts on, but turn off everything and every app with a `follow' function. Turn off your email notifications too. When you download a new app, disable notifications.

3 Don't use your phone in bed

Establish a no-phone time in the morning and evening. To enforce it, use Freedom (iOS) or Offtime (iOSAndroid) to turn off all access to domains like Facebook, and Instagram. That way you can pick up your phone to check for important updates, while shielding your self from your social feeds.

4 Stop checking your phone in the car

Stick your phone in the glove compartment. Android handsets come with a driving mode that switches you to voice controls. iOS 11 also includes an automatic `Do Not Disturb While Driving' mode. If Google Assistant isn't enough, download Drivemode for Android for a `no-look' interface that automatically launches when you start driving.

5 Break the `checking' cycle

Once you have checked your email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram , Snapchat, and so on, it's tempting to start the loop all over again.

Instead check just one app at a time. Train yourself to put your phone down after your intended action. Close apps as soon as you use them. And hide all your distracting apps off the home screen.

6 Choose an end point for your browsing session

Put your clock app on your home screen. When you open your phone, set a timer for how long you want to spend on your phone. Use QualityTime to limit how long you spend on specific apps. Also, try turning your phone off when you are done using it. This may be drastic. But try it just for a day and see the result.

7 Move your phone elsewhere when you watch
TV or read

 When you are out and about, it makes sense to keep your phone in your pocket. But when you get home, take it out. Leave it to charge, and try treating it like a home phone. The less often you check your phone, the less you get sucked into Twitter.

8 Don't expect a quick fix

It's difficult to find the right balance. We appreciate the advantages of a smartphone, and most of us use it more than we want to. These tricks work as long as you are paying attention to them, and apps keep finding new ways to invade your space. So, keep finding ways to trick your brain out of bad behaviour.


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