Tuesday, September 26, 2017

PERSONAL SPECIAL ... - Power your will

Power your will

New studies suggest that our levels of self-control are not so much a budget we have to eke out, but a renewable resource that can be powered up as we go along

It has been a long day. You've been squinting at spreadsheets since 9 am, but your boss keeps interrupting to ask how you're getting on and colleagues insist on offloading their own problems. By 6 pm you're exhausted. It's a miracle that you even make it home before hitting the wine and chocolate.
Psychologists used to have a convincing explanation for why days like these leave us weak in the face of temptation. Willpower is a limited resource that, like the cash you work so hard for, will eventually run out. Use it all up during the day and there'll be none left by dinner time.
This much has been received wisdom in psychology circles for nearly 20 years. Recently, though, that certainty has begun to fade. According to a series of newer findings, our levels of self-control are not so much a budget we have to eke out, but a renewable resource that can be powered up as we go along. “Instead of thinking of willpower as the amount of petrol in a car, think of it as the car's battery,“ says Krishna Savani at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. “The more you drive, the more the battery gets charged, and the longer it will last.“ In this view, your powers of concentration are only limited if you think they are. It raises the intriguing possibility that, if we can get into the right mindset, superhuman powers of motivation and self-control could be ours for the taking.
More than 40 years ago, the Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck became fascinated by differences in the way that children dealt with setbacks at school. While some were quick to quit, others simply redoubled their efforts. The quitters, blamed a lack of ability and felt that they would never make the grade. The more determined children, by contrast, were more motivated by learning itself than by getting good grades, and they tended to see ability as fuelled by effort, rather than set in stone.

Resistance is fruitful
Dweck refers to these as fixed and growth mindsets respectively, and believes that our mindset dictates how we tackle problems throughout our lives. Even with a growth mindset, though, no one succeeds without self-discipline. This harsh fact of life led Dweck and others to take a fresh look at what willpower is and why some of us have more of it than others.
We have known for some time that the ability to delay gratification in pursuit of longer-term goals has a big impact on our lives. Back in the late1960s, Walter Mischel first tested the powers of 4 to 6-year-old children to resist sweets, in what has become a classic psychology experiment. He placed a marshmallow in front of each child and left the room for 15 minutes, telling them that if the sweet was still there when he returned, they would be rewarded with two. Those who managed to resist temptation long enough to get double helpings went on to be more successful later in life, education and their careers.
According to the idea that willpower is limited ­ known as ego-depletion theory ­ the difference in people's ability to stay strong in the face of temptation can be explained by the amount of fuel in our mental reserves.Psychologist Roy Baumeister came up with the idea in1998 after a series of experiments. When people were asked to concentrate on solving a difficult maze or a series of anagrams, their performance on a second mentally taxing task dropped compared with control volunteers whose initial task was easy. Something similar happened when rather than mental exercise, the exertion takes the form of resisting temptation. In one early study, people told to ignore freshly baked cookies in favour of radishes subsequently showed less persistence at a tricky task that involved drawing geometric shapes.
Baumeister and his colleagues suggested that the currency of this effect is glucose, which gets used up faster when our brains have to work hard. In their experiments, giving participants a high-sugar drink between challenging tasks prevents ego depletion.
Seeing willpower and motivation as being more about mindset than blood sugar level might help clear the confusion. In 2010, Dweck and her colleagues Veronika Job at the University of Zurich and Gregory Walton, also at Stanford, repeated Baumeister's experiments, but this time asked volunteers beforehand whether they considered willpower to be a limited resource depleted by effort. They fo und that those who believed that willpower is finite showed the usual egodepletion effect, whereas those who believed that willpower is potentially unlimited showed no signs of running out of steam in the second task.
Further studies have discovered that you can improve willpower just by telling people that such a thing is possible. When people were shown statements such as “it is energising to be fully absorbed with a demanding mental task“, they continued to improve through a tough 20-minute memory challenge. Another group that was told willpower is limited stopped improving halfway through the task.
Meanwhile, other research has directly challenged the idea that glucose is the source from which willpower springs. A study by Matthew Sanders at the University of Georgia and Martin Hagger at Curtin University in Australia have shown that when volunteers gargled a sugary drink before or during a mental challenge, it prevented ego depletion, even if they spat the drink out. This suggests that merely the suggestion of a fuel top-up can keep mental exhaustion at bay.
This is tricky for the ego-depletion theory to explain because gargling doesn't allow time for glucose to be metabolised. Baumeister, though, isn't too fazed by this line of research. “Usually what is in the mouth is soon in the belly, so tasting glucose signals that it is fine to allocate more resources now, as they will be replenished,“ he says.
Baumeister recently revised his theory to take this into account. In a book chapter published last year with his colleague Kathleen Vohs at the University of Minnesota, he argues that while there is a limited resource behind self-control, it rarely, if ever, runs dry. According to the revised theory, whether we are able to maintain self-control comes down to our judgement about how much willpower juice we have left and how we choose to allocate these reserves.

No more excuses
A new study by researchers in India raises the possibility that some cultures may have done just that. Krishna Savani teamed up with Veronika Job to study volunteers in India because of the widely held belief here that mental effort isn't draining but energising. They point to the common practice of teaching children to focus on a candle in a dark room for 10 to 20 minutes without blinking or looking around. Reflecting this cultural attitude, the researchers cite figures suggesting that Indian kids tend to spend more time in class and on homework than in many Western nations. This is perhaps, at least in part, because mental effort is seen as purely beneficial.
Savani and Job wanted to see if this cultural belief would influence the way ego depletion works in India. If prompting people to think of exerting self-control as energising eliminates the ego-depletion effect, then perhaps people in India might be immune to ego depletion. When they repeated Baumeister's experiments with hundreds of Indian participants, they actually showed a “reverse ego depletion“ effect. When the first task was harder, they tended to perform better on the second task.
“We no longer have an excuse for being lazy, saying `Oh, I have worked so hard, I need a break',“ he says. “No matter how mentally tired you are, you always have mental capacity to concentrate on and work on a given task.“ For his part, Baumeister told us that this new “profoundly important“ research from India is “truly fascinating“ and he acknowledged that “if born out by further work [it] could really bring about major revisions to our understanding“.
In short, no matter how much you have to do, you probably have more willpower reserves than you think. Your chances of future success and happiness may depend on learning to tap into them. No pressure, then.
Christian Jarrett 2017, Tribune Content Agency

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