Sunday, September 10, 2017

PERSONAL MANAGEMENT SPECIAL..... Straight from the horse's mouth

Straight from the horse's mouth

Don't accept defeat and throw in the towel. Instead, you could try some of the basic techniques that successful and productive people regularly use to get things done
Everyone wants to achieve their goals as quickly as possible.
The reason productivity is such a popular topic is because so many of us want to accomplish more than we seem capable of. Sometimes that comes down to checking off more items on a to-do list. So how can we go about achieving what we set out to do? For starters, it helps to look at some real world examples of highly successful people who've employed tricks and strategies to help conquer their own goals.

Here's a lowdown on tricks that they use to accomplish their goals:

Write stuff down

What do Bill Gates, Sheryl Sandberg, and Richard Branson all have in common? While they're all major names in the business for sure, they also make it a point to jot things down. When it comes to achieving their goals, they all expedite the process by writing things down.

Gates, Sandberg, and Branson each carry around notebooks and pens at all times. Just when the idea strikes, Gates and Branson are able to capture it in writing. Sandberg, mean while, stays on track at Facebook by using her notebook as an old-school planner. By keeping track of their great ideas and schedules, they set themselves up for success and get closer to accomplishing their goals.

Keep a tight schedule

Top titans of the industry are known to have busy schedules. Tech mogul Elon Musk, for instance, is known to break his day into five-minute increments. Everything is planned, down to the minute and it's a great lesson for anyone who is looking to accomplish more in 24 hours. Fast Company's Stephanie Vozza wrote that this sort of extreme scheduling can help people boost their productivity and achieve more in a day.

Know your morning routine

Sunder Pichai sets himself up for success every morning with his pre-dawn routine. The CEO of Google digs into an omelette, drinks tea, and catches up on the news. There's nothing flashy about this habit, but it works for him. “I'm not a morn ing person, so I need my time with my paper and tea to wake up and kind of get going,“ Pichai re vealed at a conference.

So take care of yourself in the morning. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself prepared for the rest of the day, whether that means going on a jog, curling up with a nice cup of coffee, or taking some time to contemplate your life.

By taking some time for your self, you'll be setting yourself up to better tackle your goals throughout the day.

Ask yourself tough questions

Don't feel too bad about procrastinating. Even Oprah Winfrey puts important tasks off. But the media mogul also has a sure fire way of breaking the cycle of procrastination. She recently revealed to a web site that she asks herself: “What's the worst that's going to happen here, and why do I fear the confrontation?“ The truth is, we typically procrastinate for a reason. By identifying, examining, and confronting that reason head on, we can effectively move on and keep working toward our goals.

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