Saturday, September 23, 2017

HEALTH SPECIAL..... Natural Remedies For Hypothyroidism

Natural Remedies For Hypothyroidism
These alternative therapies can be a huge help
Hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of the body’s required hormones, is a common condition in India and Asia. This condition also affects women after pregnancy and as they age. One of the biggest causes of hypothyroidism is a lack of iodine, which can only be procured through your diet. This is why the government has mandated that all table salt in the country must be iodised.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism
This condition can be identified by the presence of water retention and swelling in the body, along with hair fall and early greying of hair. You gain weight without eating much, and also feel sluggish and sleepy all the time. Your skin becomes dry and rough, and there may also be associated hormonal issues and menstrual problems.
However, it’s best to get a blood test called TFT (thyroid function test) that will confirm and check the levels of your thyroid hormones.

Preventive measures:
If hypothyroidism runs in the family, ensure that all your salt is iodised. If you can, use sea salt and Himalayan salt that contain natural iodine.
Other rich sources of iodine include seaweed and extracts of seaweeds.
Raisins and prunes are excellent preventers of hypothyroidism, as are boiled eggs and milk.
Make sure you get adequate morning sunlight.

Ayurvedic remedies
Ayurveda recommends a combination of kaanchnar along with guggulu, which is excellent for all lymph associated problems. Infant guggulu is prescribed for conditions associated with cysts, polyps and weight gain.

Arogyavardini, a combination of several herbs and salts, improves metabolism and lymph drainage (good for a low thyroid condition), and many liver conditions too.
·         shikha sharma


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