Friday, December 11, 2015

ENTREPRENEUR SPECIAL... When Ace Scientists Turn Rookie Entrepreneurs

When Ace Scientists
Turn Rookie Entrepreneurs

Scientists of distinction are setting up companies but with a difference
 -to help solve difficult problems of business and society

When Rajesh Gokhale sets up a new lab, he orders sophisticated equipment
 and some chemical reagents.
For a research collaboration with the National Chemical Laboratory (NCL)
in Pune, he ordered six buffaloes along with the regular stuff.
He could have ordered elephants, but buffaloes were more manageable for
 the laboratory staff. These two animals have something in common.
They get white patches on the skin, similar to the human disease leucoderma
 that Gokhale is now studying. Drug companies are not interested in finding
 a solution to leucoderma, as whiteskinned people do not find it a problem.
Gokhale, the director of research body Indian Institute of Integrative Biology
 (IGIB) in Delhi, thinks he has done some new science that could help develop
 a drug.
Gokhale has won international recognition for his research on how the
tuberculosis bacterium builds its formidable cell wall. It won him first
the prestigious Bhatnagar Prize and then the Infosys Prize, along with a
host of other awards. The Indian scientific establishment expects big things
 from him as a science leader, but Gokhale is also an intensely practical man.
“I have given up on TB as the road to translation is hard,“ says Gokhale.
He switched to dermatology, an area where research applications are easier
to commercialise. His first firm, Vyome Biosciences, is on the late stages
of developing an anti-dandruff and other anti-bacterial products.
His research on leucoderma is about to result in a second company.
When set up, it will be incubated inside the NCL Venture Park in Pune.
The NCL Venture Park, adjacent to research and consulting body National
 Chemical Laboratory (NCL), is now a crucible for commercial science.
Inside it are 35 scientist-promoted companies testing ideas that could
make a difference to Indian industry in the near future. They include new
 bio-absorbable materials, highly-sensitive and quick ways of testing
pesticides, new methods of effluent treatment, rapid cancer diagnostics,
 green roads, new vaccines, renewable energy and so on. NCL Venture
 Park provides lab facilities for commercialisation, and seed money and
consulting. Gokhale's venture, when fully formed and cleared by the
government, would need some of these facilities to develop drugs.

The scientist-entrepreneur has been a rare phenomenon in Indian
industrial history. The earliest example was KH Gharda who set up
Gharda Chemicals in 1967. AV Rama Rao, a distinguished chemist and
 the brain behind many generic products of Indian companies, launched
services firm Avra Laboratories in 1996 after retirement.
Avra and Gharda Chemicals are exceptionally successful companies.
Since then, some young scientists have created a few companies around
 the country. Liberal government grants are attracting scientists to test
their commercial ideas, especially in biotechnology. Among the recent
 scientist-entrepreneurs are some distinguished scientists with a global
reputation, and they are looking at entrepreneurship in a new way:
 for translating hard research problems into commercial ventures.

Growing Trend
NCL Venture Park is the node for such efforts, but the trend has picked up
 in other institutions in the country. Entrepreneurship attracts scientists in
the IITs, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), other
national laboratories and the universities. Biologists and chemists are
now especially interested in commercialising their work, but it is not
uncommon to find even physicists setting up companies based on their
research knowledge.“Scientist-led enterprises have higher knowledge
intensity and better technology foresight,“ says V Premnath, scientist
at NCL and CEO of NCL Venture Park, “as scientists have the luxury of
 working on such topics.“
NCL has a long history of working with industry and translating research
into useful products.Even at NCL, scientists needed to be exposed to the
advantages of setting up companies. “We brought a Cambridge don to
talk to them,“ says Premnath.It was Richard Friend, a pioneer in flexible
LEDs, who formed three companies while teaching and researching at
Cambridge. Peter Dobson, a professor from Oxford, also came to talk
to the scientists there.The spirit of entrepreneurship now permeates the
laboratory so much that scientists do not need to be persuaded to set up
Many scientists at NCL are actually engineers, but science is fundamental
to their research. Ashish Lele is an engineer-scientist with a strong interest
in polymers. He has been probing polymers at atomic scales, studying
how the handholding of atoms that make up polymers can result in
interesting properties like self-assembly. He has shown how atomic
handholding can make a gel repair itself when injured. Like Gokhale,
he has won the Bhatnagar Prize and the Infosys Prize. One of his research
 interests now is polylactic acid, a widely-used bioplastic. Although called
 an acid, it is a polymer that is biocompatible and bio-degradable.
It is not easy to work with, as developing a device with the right
mechanical strength requires a high level of knowledge.
His first company Orthocraft, established a year ago inside NCL Venture
 Park, is developing screws from polylactic acid. These screws are required
 while repairing tears in the knee ligaments, but are used in India only when
 the patient can pay the high price.As no Indian company makes them, the
alternative is to use metal screws and a second surgery to remove them later.
 Orthocraft is now doing pilot trials with its biodegradable screws, and
could launch them at a considerably lower cost. NCL is developing
end-to-end technology for polylactic acid, which is a strong contender
for biodegradable packaging as well.
After setting up one company, Lele started exploring another related idea:
using silk to make useful products. “Silk is a natural biocompatible
material,“ says Lele, “but all our silk goes for making sarees.“
His new company will develop a silk-based porous plug as a replacement
 for bone cement. As the bone grows into the pores, plug dissolves. Silk
had been used in ancient India for making sutures, and is still used for
sutures employed in eye surgery. “A lot of technology is required for
converting natural silk into the right material and in the right form,“
says Lele. He set up Biolmed for this work.
Lele had some prior exposure to entrepreneurship as he has seen another
company from close quarters: Tridiagonal Solutions, founded by his
colleague Vivek Ranade, an engineer-scientist interested in gas-liquid flows
. It led him to start Tridiagonal Solutions to provide modelling and process
 engineering solutions for companies. Ranade, a fellow of the Indian
Academy of Sciences, exited this company a few years ago.
He now runs a second company, Viviera Technologies, for effluent treatment.
 Ranade's startups look to address a problem seen at NCL repeatedly:
large companies are interested in ready-made technology and won't make
any effort to develop lab-scale technology. “NCL is still falling short of
industry needs,“ says Ranade.“We need to bridge the gap.“
NCL scientists believe startups can bridge this gap, by developing a
technology from NCL's labs to market-ready condition. Scientists also
start companies after spotting a serious problem with industry.
Venkat Panchagnula, who researches methods of bioanalysis, formed
 a company that can detect pesticides quickly at low concentrations.
“Pesticides are a major non-trader barrier for India's food export
industry,“ says Panchagnula. India does not have the technology to
 assess pesticide contamination quickly and reliably, as the accredited
labs use imported technology and do not do R&D.
A grape farmer, for example, has to spend `8,000 per sample and take
four samples an acre for testing pesticide residues. Since it takes 7-8 days
 for the results, the testing delays farmers. In 2008, Nashik grape farmers
 lost `250 crore when their exports to Europe were found to contain
pesticides. When Panchagnula's students were asked to formulate a
problem, some of them came up with a method to test pesticides.
The group's solution morphed into a company, Barefeet Analytics.
It is developing a technology that can test over 1,000 samples a day
instead of the 25 tests an Indian lab can do now.
NCL has sprouted many startups because it works in an applied subject.
Chemistry professors elsewhere have also found their subject useful to
 start companies. Aswhini Nangia, professor of chemistry at the
University of Hyderabad, works in the new field of supramolecular
chemistry that studies properties of small aggregates of molecules.
Nangia is interested in a part of this subject called crystal engineering,
which tries to understand properties of crystals and then modify them.
In a specific project, Nangia has figured out a way to stop demozolomide,
an anticancer drug, from discolouring too soon. His company Crystallin
Research is now taking this work forward. Its next project is to up the
bio-availability of curcumin, which is said to have antioxidant and
anticancer properties.
The University of Hyderabad has set up an incubator for scientists like
Nangia to develop their startups.Such incubators are sprouting elsewhere
too, even in institutions with no history of commercialisation.
The Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)
 in Bengaluru is devoted to fundamental research, but this year some
professors surprised the management by asking for permission to launch
 companies. J NCASR, which had no rules for allowing scientists to start
companies, had to form a committee and form them. Its first company is
a fluid dynamics simulation company, Sankhya Sutra Labs. A second one,
on tackling infections, is brewing in another lab.
Sankhya Sutra Labs came out of the labs of Santosh Ansumali , a physicist
engineer who had fig ured out a way of improving fluid flow simulations.
Understa ndi ng f luid flows correctly is important in many industrial
situations, but it is a hard problem to solve. In critical situations like
aircraft design, scientists rely more on experimental data.“We have converted a computer science problem nto a physics problem,“ says Ansumali. Last year, he created Sankhya Sutra Labs along with a col aborator, Sunil Shirlekar,
then at Intel.

Breaking New Ground
This lab now provides services, but is working on converting its ideas into
 a software package that can be sold to many industries. Shirlekar and
Ansumali are aiming at expanding the market for fluid dynamics simulation.
 Fluid dynamics is relevant not just for aircraft or cars. Accurate simulation
 can improve everyday products like ceiling fans, mixers and washing
machines. “We are trying to do something undreamt of,“ says Ansumali,
 “by bringing fluid dynamics simulation to the small and medium scale
Bengaluru has several institutions that is beginning to breed knowledge-
intensive academic startups. The Indian Institute of Science, for example
has seven startups in its incubator, mostly by professors in engineering
departments. A few entrepreneurial ideas are brewing at the Institute
for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. The IITs also have
several academic startups, mostly by engineering professors with the
odd scientist thrown in. T Pradeep at IIT Madras is one of them.
Pradeep is a chemist who has specialised in nanoscience.
He got interested in pesticide contamination after he read about endosulfan
 and its toxic effects in Kerala, and figured out that nanoparticles can break
 down pesticides. After extensive trials, Pradeep formed his own company.
Inno Nano Research is now looking to advance the technology. Pradeep
is interested in looking at arsenic contamination, a 100-year-old problem
that is increasing in severity every day. “I do not want this to become a
200-year old problem,“ he says. He is obsessed with water quality, and
wants to put quality sensors into water bottles.He is studying how
nature makes clean water. In the long run, mimicking nature's ways
is the only truly sustainable method of working.

Hari Pulakkat ET26NOV15

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