Friday, February 22, 2013

HEALTH / DIET SPECIAL ....Are high-protein diets safe?

HEALTH DIET Are high-protein diets safe? 

Though many people adopt it to lose and maintain lost weight, high-protein diets have their share of risks 

    There’s no dearth of diets promising to help you shed those extra kilos. High-protein diet is one of the most popular, especially among celebrities. But is it ideal for everyone? What are its pros and cons? Read on...
>> “A high-protein diet contains more than 60 gms of protein per day or constitutes more than 30% of the total calorie intake from protein sources, as against the recommended 0.8 gms per kg daily. It is usually recommended for weight loss or weight maintenance after a weight loss programme or surgery,” says bariatric physician Dr Poonam S Shah. In general, meat is the best source of protein, but it contains a lot of fat compared to chicken, egg whites and fish. Low-fat dairy products like milk, unflavoured yoghurt and cheese are a good source of protein
and calcium.
>> High-protein foods demand more effort to digest, metabolise and use, which means you burn more calories to process them. They also take longer to leave your stomach, so you feel full sooner and for long. “People on high-protein diets have higher metabolism. Your body uses the amino acids in protein to build lean muscle, which not only makes you stronger and more toned, but also burns calories even when you’re not active. Ultimately, this keeps your metabolism humming along at high speed. So, you can burn off the excess calories that you have eaten,” says fitness expert Althea Shah.
>> Before you hastily decide to follow a high-protein diet, remember that every individual’s requirement is different. “People who consume too much
protein from meat are more likely to develop high cholesterol, which increases their risk of developing heart diseases, stroke and cancer. Moreover, vegetarians looking forward to lose weight may find it difficult to get sufficient proteins by following a high-protein diet. For these reasons, a very high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet is not right for everyone,” advises obesity and bariatric surgeon Dr Abhay Agrawal.
>> Just like there are two sides to every coin, high-protein diets also have their own share of cons. Althea mentions the following list of problems:
>> High-protein diets, which may also be high in fat, may lead to high cholesterol, heart disease or other diseases, such as gout.
>> Some high-protein diets restrict carbohydrate intake so much that they can result in nutritional deficiencies or insufficient fibre, which can cause health problems such as constipation.
>> People with kidney problems may find their condition worsening, as the body may have trouble eliminating all the waste products of protein metabolism.
>> In the initial stages of a high-protein diet, one will experience increased frequency of urination. Large amounts of protein have a diuretic effect. Nitrogen is a bi-product of protein metabolism and is toxic. So, the body responds by pulling water from the tissues to flush it out. This is what leads to frequent urination and excessive thirst. As your body adapts to the diet, your thirst and urination
levels will normalise.
Though the effectiveness of high-protein diets on a short-term basis has been proved, the same cannot be said of longterm use, says Dr Shah. She explains why:
>> When the body starts using fat for energy after depleting glucose (carb) stores, the end products are ketones, which decrease hunger but can give rise to ketoacidosis — irritability, weakness, palpitations, etc.
>> Long-term high protein diet may deprive the body of good carbs (found in vegetables and fruits), which are a source of vitamins and fibres, giving rise to various deficiencies.
PRECAUTIONS Bariatric physician Dr Poonam S Shah gives a list of precautionary measures
>> Assessing kidney function (blood creatine levels with urinary protein loss in a day) is a must, as kidney dysfunction may be without symptoms. >> Check uric acid levels for high incidence of kidney stones. > Ultrasonography of the abdomen to rule out gall bladder and kidney stones. Also, check for fatty liver and the functioning of pancreas. >> Drink plenty of fluids. It prevents dehydration and weakness.
>> Use meal replacements and protein bars when ideal homemade diet is not possible. >> Using additional supplements like calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 is important in longterm diets. >> Supervised weight loss with comprehensive health care is important to detect side-effects.

Lisa Antao BT130221

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