Sunday, November 18, 2018

PODCAST SPECIAL ....10 best informative podcasts for every curious mind

10 best informative podcasts for every curious mind

If you are looking for some new content offering interesting information, here is a list of podcasts that is worth checking out

99% Invisible
(Google Play, iTunes)
Even if you’ve never given two thoughts to design, architecture or how the material world around us is put together, this weekly series will help you find the fascinating things around you that you sleepwalk by without really seeing them.

(Google Play, iTunes)
Van Gogh may have been murdered, the Mona Lisa that is on display at the Louvre might be a fake, and an avant-garde artist could just be Jack the Ripper. If you thought art is boring, then you haven't listened to ArtCurious with Jennifer Dasal.

Freakonomics Radio
(Google Play, iTunes)
Based on the best-selling book series, the fascinating Freakonomics podcast goes in-depth on various topics using purely empirical, number-driven evidence to uncover how the world really works.

Radiolab Podcast
(Google Play, iTunes)
Robert Krulwich and Jab Abumrad put together an amazing podcast that is both scientifically informative and symphonically lovely to listen to. Also, their downloadable app is one of the cutest things you will come across.

StarTalk Radio
(Google Play, iTunes)
Host Neil deGrasse Tyson explores the world of science (with an emphasis on his area of expertise: cosmology). Neil can sometimes come off as a middle school science teacher desperately trying to get his class excited about science — and that’s strangely comforting in a way.

Stuff You Missed in History Class
(Google Play, iTunes)
A fun and in-depth look at notable past events that you probably don’t know about.

Stuff You Should Know
(Google Play, iTunes)
From the people at, every episode of this podcast tackles a topic — like tornados or bitcoin or the sun — so you can come away with a good working knowledge. The hosts explain everything in layman’s terms, with more than a few fun pop cultural tangents along the way.

The Bowery Boys New York City History
(Google Play, iTunes)
Covering sundry topics from the Coney Island Boardwalk to neon lights to the history of drag queen performers, this longrunning podcast explores the untold and retold tales from the Big Apple. It smartly walks a line between indepth minutiae you’d expect from a historian and big-picture history.

The History of England Podcast
Do you like England and the history thereof? Then this podcast recounts the entire history of the island. Lively, engaging, and thoroughly researched, this podcast has topped 250 episodes and has only made it to the reign of Henry VIII.

The Dollop Podcast
(Google Play, iTunes)
The Dollop is a darkly funny (and often profane) history podcast where podcaster and comedian Dave Anthony reads a twisted story of America’s past to his friend, Gareth Reynolds, who has no idea what the story is about.

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