Sunday, August 5, 2018

WOMEN SPECIAL....The glass runway

The glass runway

Why isn’t fashion filled with female designers and executives (New York Times paywall)? After all, the industry caters to women, who spend three times what men do on clothing. Women are well represented in designer showrooms and studios. Yet only 14 percent of major brands are run by a female CEO, according to an industry report. What’s holding women back?
We teamed up with Glamour magazine and the Council of Fashion Designers of America to survey more than 500 professionals throughout the industry about their ambitions, opportunities, and setbacks. One remarkable finding: 100 percent of women said that gender inequality is a problem in the industry, compared with less than 50 percent of men.
The language often used to describe designers and their work also reveals bias. Men’s designs tend to be praised as innovative and groundbreaking; women’s, practical and wearable. That said, the news is not all bleak. Companies that manage to be diverse and inclusive are some of the brightest success stories in fashion and retail right now.


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