Thursday, October 26, 2017

HEALTH SPECIAL.... 3 Fruits, 7 Benefits

3 Fruits, 7 Benefits

Ayurveda’s triphala powder is the solution to several health issues

Triphala is an ancient herbal mix, a combination of the powdered form of three fruits: amla, haritaki and bhibitaki. It offers solutions to various health and body conditions.

Seven uses of triphala powder:

1. As a mouth rinse: For bad breath and/or blisters in the mouth, add half a teaspoon of triphala powder to warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution before sleeping.

2. As an eye-disorder manager: The herb bhibhitaki helps strengthen the eye muscles and prevents conditions leading to diabetic cataract.

3. As an acne controller: Acne is the result of either hormonal imbalance or toxins in the blood. The herb haritaki helps remove blood toxins.

4. In cholesterol management: Regular use of triphala powder (even if you are already on statins) leads to an improvement in the liver’s ability to break down excess cholesterol.

5. As an immunity booster: Triphala clears the micro channels in the body, builds immunity and banishes allergies, coughs, colds and fevers. 6. As a cancer preventer: Cancerous cells proliferate in conditions of acidic pH and destruction of beneficial gut flora. Triphala helps keep the gut flora balanced. 7. As a gentle laxative: Triphala keeps bowel movements healthy and regular.

How to take triphala
If you have a vata body type: Consume half a teaspoon of triphala twice a day in room temperature water.
If you have a pitta body type: Take one teaspoon of triphala powder twice a day with room temperature water.
If you have a kapha body type: Take one and a half teaspoon of triphala powder twice a day with warm water. Kapha constitutions need warm water due to their sluggish metabolism.

shikha sharma HTBR20OCT17

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