Thursday, March 28, 2019

PERSONAL SPECIAL ...You just have to start

You just have to start

Here’s the thing. Sometimes, writing can be really hard!
I’ve been sitting in front of my computer for well over an hour, trying to figure out what the heck I’m going to write about.
I have a topic generator on my phone so I pull that out. Find a topic, which also includes a small introduction to get me going, and start writing. After a paragraph or two, I decide that I don’t like it, delete everything, and start over.
I’ve done this four times already so what I‘ve decided to do is to just start writing and hope for some inspiration to magically start flowing from my fingers
I decided over a week ago that I was going to write every night. It was a way for me to develop and grow as a writer. My chosen method was to write a fiction-based story and wrap it up with a few lessons that could be taken away from it.
I still like the idea, but guess what. Since deciding I was going to write every night, I haven’t. It’s been at least a week since I sat in front of my computer in the evening in order to get a post out.
There are a few points in the preceding paragraphs that I would like to link to finances, as I often do.

1. I was having a really hard time getting started tonight. I couldn’t figure out what to write about and when I did, I couldn’t stick with it. So I just started writing. In your financial lives, it can be very hard deciding what will be the best plan. It can be even harder figuring out how to implement that plan. My only suggestion, just start. More than likely, you have an end goal in mind, you just don’t know how to get there. For me, I knew I wanted to get a post written tonight, but I didn’t know what about. Don’t delay. Decide what could move you in the direction of your goal and take the first step.
2. I decided that I was going to write every night, but I haven’t done that. Not even close. Sometimes the goals we set and the plans we make are unrealistic. Sure it would have been great to write a little every night and continue to progress as a writer, but how likely was it, really? I have a full-time job, a family, and other responsibilities. Goals are important and setting a plan for those goals is vital if you want to achieve them. But it’s also important to be realistic about your expectations. My advice set a small goal and make a small change to your life in order to achieve that goal. Once completed, set a slightly bigger goal, and continue setting incrementally bigger goals and let that momentum propel you forward.
3. This one is just an added bonus that has nothing to do with the points above but has everything to do with the market over the past month and your long-term goals. What is the end goal? Financial freedom? A comfortable retirement? Whatever the case may be, you to have your long-term goal in focus, and you need to make progress regularly to achieve that goal. The stock market over the last month has been extremely volatile (at least relative to the past two years). The most important thing you can do for your future is to tune out the noise and ignore the daily movements of the market. Contributing to your retirement account regularly and staying consistent in your investment strategy is a powerful combination to reaching, successfully, your goals.
4. How do I stay consistent in my investment strategy? There are two questions you need to answer that set up a strategy. What’s my end goal and what am I comfortable with? Once you figure out that your end goal is over a million dollars saved for retirement and a risk tolerance that warrants a 60/40 stock/bond portfolio for the foreseeable future, you have your strategy. Implementing it is easy. You can set up the portfolio using a couple of ETFs and let it go. I recommend revisiting once per year to rebalance. Rebalancing is bringing your asset allocation back to 60/40 because it often changes due to market performance.
After all that, here is what I want you to take away.

·         Just start. 
Whatever the scenario, whatever your goal is, take the first step and initiate the process. Small steps and small improvements over months, years, and decades will yield HUGE gains over time.

·         Goals and plans are important. 
What’s more important is setting yourself up for success. Start with manageable goals and slowly increase the difficulty. Your first achievement will motivate you to keep going and momentum will carry you forward.

·         Ignore the noise
   Whether it’s your financial goals, career goals, or relationship goals, there will always be distractions. Keep your focus, stick to your plan, and win in the face of those that tried to stop you.

·         Set a strategy and be consistent. 

   Setting a strategy starts with picking a goal and figuring out your risk comfort level. After that, you develop a plan and make small adjustments to that plan as needed. Revisit the strategy every few years to make sure it’s still appropriate.
Life can be difficult at times. You may feel out of place, you might feel like you aren’t making enough progress, or you may feel you aren’t on the right path.
My advice. Figure yourself out, pick a goal, and make little improvements every day. The end result is a goal that’s been conquered many times over.

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