Tuesday, July 17, 2012

HEALTH SPECIAL...Avoid headaches

Avoid headaches

A headache is a common problem. There can be many causes, both physical as well as mental.
Most people have headaches because of stress and tension in their lives. So make some changes in your lifestyle and in the foods that you eat.
Every tip listed here may not work for everyone, and change won’t come overnight. But experimenting with these suggestions may help you avoid a headache, or manage one if it comes.
■ Stick to a sleep schedule.
■ Eat regular meals. Be careful with caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
■ Lemon juice in tea or water can help a headache disappear.
■ Include magnesium in your diet. Consume foods that are high in magnesium like broccoli, beans, soy milk, nuts and spinach.
■ Keep track of your headaches. Writing down the details of your headaches – how long they last, how severe they are, what was happening before the pain started and how you sought relief – can help you and your doctor identify your headache ‘triggers’. For example, certain foods may bring them on, as can stress, menstrual cycles, bright light, perfumes and even changes in the weather.
■ Change your eating habits. Limit foods rich in sodium (salt), saturated fats, cholesterol, trans fats, and added sugars.
■ Apply a cold pack to the area that hurts.
■ Avoid sleeping in a cold room. Maintain your bedroom temperature up to at least 20 degrees Celsius).

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