Thursday, December 21, 2017

PERSONAL SPECIAL... Maximising the profits of life

Maximising the profits of life

Small changes to your daily routine can make you a lot happier. Here’s a list of tweaks you can make to your schedule for a positive day

Sometimes it’s the big things that make us happy — an impressive promotion, cracking an important deal or a vacation you have been waiting for.
But other times, it’s the small things. Think capturing the most beautiful photo of a flower garden on your way to work, or hugging a friend you haven’t seen in a while.
The second type of happiness boosters are the ones that we should focus on. These changes can make you happier, healthier, and more productive. Read on for the ideas you can implement starting today.

Be grateful
List three things you are grateful for. According to UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, here’s how it works. Every night before bed, write down three things that went well for you, along with an explanation of why they went well. Make sure you include as much detail as possible, as well as how the event made you feel. The researchers found that people who used the three good things exercise felt happier and less depressed for six months.

Set one priority for the evening
It’s tempting to waste the hours after you get home from work — you’re tired and there aren’t any hard deadlines to meet like there are at the office. So, productivity expert and author Laura Vanderkam recommends setting one (simple) priority for every weekday evening. Maybe you want to go for a walk with your family after dinner, or call a friend, or read 100 pages of a novel, or go to a gym class.

Plan something joyful for tomorrow
Forcing yourself to be happy generally backfires. A 2014 study, published in the journal Emotion, found that the key is ‘prioritising positivity’, or structuring your day so that it includes activities that are likely to make you happy. To schedule your days to maximise happiness, you should ‘reflect on the activities that bring you contentment or joy and make time for these events in your daily life’. For some people, this could mean regularly setting aside time for gardening and cooking; for others, it could mean making time to connect with good friends. The idea is not to force yourself to feel any specific way at any given moment.

Jot down your thoughts and feelings
Author and investor Tim Ferris recommends jotting down your thoughts in a journal every morning. Ferris uses The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal by Julia Cameron, and emphasises that the process of writing matters more than the final product. What’s more, journaling allows you to get fears and worries out of your head so you can stop fixating on them. Another journal option is the ‘Five Minute Journal,’ which comes with inspirational quotations and thought-provoking questions. You can switch things up and journal in the evening if that’s more convenient.

Take a beautiful photo on your way to work
That’s a tip from Mo Gawdat, author of Solve for Happy. Every day during his walk to the office, Gawdat searches for something beautiful and snaps its photo. The idea behind searching for one perfect photo is that it prevents Gawdat from thinking distressing thoughts, since he’s fully engaged in searching for beauty.


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