Wednesday, July 31, 2013

WORKPLACE SPECIAL................ ANGER MANAGEMENT LESSON 6 Situation#6: when colleagues bitch about you behind your back

 Why so angry?

Speak when you’re angry, and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” Do these words by American journalist-satirist Ambrose Bierce resonate with you, too? When you are angry, it is tough to judge between right and wrong. And at emotionally-fraught workplaces, it’s easy to lose your lash out at co-workers. However, it never leads to anything positive. Either your relationship with that person sours forever or there’s a permanent stagnancy between the two of you. 

Some situations call for a good loud scream. But that’s hardly practical. Let the experts tell you how you to react with civility and professionalism, when all you want to do is roar the place down.

Situation#6: when colleagues bitch about you behind your back
Some colleagues are downright nasty. They like gossip and politics and love talking about people. Sometimes you may get carried away and join in. However, when you hear unkind words about you from your colleagues, it hurts.

The immediate reaction: Apart from feeling shocked, you may feel ‘not wanted’ and rejected, says Llamba.

How you should react: You’ll always find people who will add fuel to the fire, so you need to be wary of them, says Singh.

Damage control: “If the words being uttered are harmful in any way, it’s better to speak one-on-one with the individual, else just let it go,” says Mukherjee. Simple communication can solve so many matters and so many things that are left unsaid. “Every human being has the capacity to understand and operate from a space of love and compassion, so give them a chance to justify their behaviour,” says Llamba.

What you definitely shouldn’t do: Never resort to name-calling or passing value judgements, say Llamba.

Cubicle cool tip
“As long as it’s not causing you any harm, enjoy the attention,” says Payal Mukherjee.
(Courtesy: Satya D Sinha, CEO, MANCER Consulting (that provides talent management solutions)
Shreya Sethuraman, HTBR 1307079 

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