Saturday, September 29, 2012

HEARTY DAY SPECIAL(2)....Many enemies of the little heart

Many enemies of the little heart

In today's fast paced life, everything comes instantly be it success or deceit, monetary growth or health disorders. With lifestyle disorders becoming as common as cough and cold, it's high time we realise that our body needs to be taken care of. This World Heart Day, promise to take care of your heart and make sure that it stays healthy. A few lifestyle modifications can work wonders for the pumping machine. These are a few ways to avoid heart diseases. 

Smoking: We are all aware that smoking reduces life expectancy by 15-25 years. So if you are a smoker, you are twice more likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker. Quit smoking to reduce the risk of heart ailments.
Ignoring your diet: Increasing work pressures is killing us. In such a situation it is difficult to manage a healthy diet. This is the second most important reason for major cardiac ailments among people. Binge-eating and eating things that cause obesity increase your chances of having hearty diseases.
Too much alcohol: This is one of the killer factors for most people. Alcohol can damage heart muscles, increase blood pressure and also lead to weight gain. This indirectly triggers your chances of suffering a major cardiac arrest or any cardio-vascular problems.
Lack of exercise: Working for hours without changing your posture and long working hours should be strictly avoided. It leaves us with no time for any physical activity. A body with no exercise is exposed to cardiac risks. Most people have cubicle work cultures wherein they sit for long hours in front of their laptops without moving an inch. Without any exercise the body becomes obese and this increases the chances of heart diseases. At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day will keep you fit and benefits the heart.
High BP, blood sugar and cholesterol levels: These may be related to your family medical history or might occur due to several other reasons be it unhealthy eating, lifestyle changes, obesity, work pressure among others. These are some of the most important reasons for heart diseases in the country. Routine medical check-ups is a must. Cholesterol deposition in blood vessels begins in the first decade of life. Carrying a lot of extra weight can greatly affect your health.
Increasing stress levels: Life demands a lot from all of us. The healing power of the body decreases when under stress. It leads to many complications like hypertension and poor immunity. This is one of the significant causes of heart ailments among youngsters. So, it's very important to stay healthy and manage your stress levels by understanding major risk factors. If stress is affecting your physical and mental health, just take a vacation.
Srishti Shinde DNA  Sep 29, 2012 WORLD HEART DAY

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